Mafioso: The Father The Son
Mafioso: The Father The Son
| 01 January 2004 (USA)
Mafioso: The Father The Son Trailers

When the head of a mafia clan is perceived to be weakening, his family suffers a series of attacks. It is up to his son, Frankie, to figure out who’s behind the plot before they are all wiped out.

Alicia I love this movie so much
PodBill Just what I expected
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Wizard-8 I have to confess that movies involving the mafia aren't really my thing, but I have been able to appreciate some of the better ones like "Donnie Brasco" and "The Godfather". "Mafioso: The Father, the Son" is a well-meaning attempt, but falls far short. The main problem I had with the movie is that it's surprisingly boring. It's boring because it's both overly talky, as well as the fact that all the talk isn't that interesting. You'll get to hear the same things you've seen in other mafia movies before, as well as see the same old characters you've seen before. And you'll guess who's behind the assassination attempts long before the central character figures it out. I put the blame on co-writer Leo Rossi, though you have to give him credit for writing himself a sex scene with a much younger woman. Though even if his script were better, the movie would still suffer from cheap direction, like a car accident that happens right out of camera range. (Though to be fair, it's clear the filmmakers managed to squeeze every last penny out of their really small budget.) I bet any real mobster who sees this movie will be half unintentionally amused and half annoyed.
sparktom Geez, where to start? The casting, perhaps. Well, marginal actors with bad material can a real mess make, and this flick stonk so badly I'm longing for a shower. Rossi, with a writing credit (somehow I see him brainstorming with some no-talent hack real writer), crafts himself a plum role that proves the rule about how that's not a good idea. The actor cast in the lead as Vito, has got to be the ugliest, silly looking wop in Hollywood whose lips hang like a raw wound on a mug that could shatter a mirror. Vito's dad, however, deserves the most thumbs-down for believability. He's about as credible for being a mob boss as Andy Dick.Next, the direction, the script, and the rest. Bad, and worse. I can only assume that this project launched due to Sopranos' success, and they supposed they could snag a low-budget masterpiece by casting their own buddies and their family with an inkling they could act. Sophia Coppola should have shown SOMEBODY in charge how that can work out.Keep hunting if you want to watch a mafia movie with something to offer. This is a waste of time.
DonnieP84 The only reason I gave this a 3 out of 10 is because they were working on a shoe string budget of $900k and I felt bad for them.The acting was unbearable and the cinematography was mortifying. I bought the DVD for $3 and still feel ripped off. Somethings in the film are just unforgivable, no matter how short the budget. The terrible dancing scene with Gina and that guy at the bar, was so awful I watched it 5-6 times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. The car crash at 30 mph that almost killed her, wasn't realistic in any way. Her "injuries" looked like a Halloween costume from Party City. Bullet wounds never looked so bad. You would hear a gun sound and then 10 seconds later what looked like strawberry jam splattered on the face of whoever got "shot".I would recommend you buy it if you want to laugh your rear off at the bad acting, even worse script, and terribly cheap feel (I am convinced the wardrobe came from a thrift shop in the former USSR).
chuchutwain01 I just don't know where to begin, this piece of crap was nothing but a waste of time for all involved. The acting was sad, it brought tears to my eyes, tears of laughter. If gangsters were to talk like they did in this major bomb, their victims would just laugh at them and give them a back hand.I had worked in a bar in south Philly which may have had some mob connections, and I guarantee they would take of the portrayals in this flick. I can't imagine the set decorator ever stepped into an Italian house, because, he had everything all wrong, the fight scenes were worse than bad they were terrible. The whole thing just makes me sick, I probably shouldn't made any comments, but I just had to get this off my chest. There is no mistaking this bomb to the Sopranos.