Lovelorn Leghorn
Lovelorn Leghorn
NR | 08 September 1951 (USA)
Lovelorn Leghorn Trailers

The other hens make fun of Miss Prissy, who still has not found a husband. Prissy sets out, rolling pin in hand, to find one, and she comes upon confirmed bachelor Foghorn Leghorn in the midst of his feud with the barnyard dog. The dog helps Prissy take Foghorn as her mate by knocking him out and stuffing him in a picnic basket!

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . why that notorious Male Chauvinist Pig Champion of Lookism, that Fanatically Finicky Professional Judger of Female Pulchritude; yes, the Bozo who can walk in on a Women's Room Full of Stark-Raving Naked Totally Topless and Barely Bottomless Regional "Beauty Contest Winners" simply because HE BOUGHT THE PAGEANT to satisfy his Juvenile Prurient Interests is trying to Smuggle into our White House as America's FIRST LADY a Eurotrash Porn Starlet whom--to paraphrase the Epic Poet Homer--sports a Hardened Visage Tough Enough to Stop One Thousand Battleships in their tracks. As is often the case, Warner's Animated Shorts Division of uncannily prophetic Looney Tuners deftly casts Foghorn Leghorn as Donald J. Duck and Prissy Squarepants as his third wife, Finlandia, in LOVELORN LEGHORN. Barnyard Dog plays the devious Vladimir "Mad Mutt" Putin here, hatching his nefarious plan to install Finlandia (that is, Prissy) as a Fifth Column Mata Hari in Our Lincoln Bedroom. Prissy uses her KGB martial arts skills to box Trumphorn Leghorn into a position with NO ESCAPE, dooming America to a Red Harvest by Barnyard Putin.
Horst in Translation ( Weeeelllll.... "Lovelorn Leghorn" is a little cartoon from 65 years ago and as they always do this one runs for 7 minutes as well. It is another Foghorn Leghorn movie, so the voice acting comes from Mel Blanc of course and McKimson and Pierce made it like so many other times too. But i dare say this may not have been their best moment. The comedy here was too gadget-oriented and did not really have that much wit in terms of the characters, also was more loud than funny. Also I wish I would have been more touched by Prissy and how she is a bit of an ugly duckling, but honestly it left me fairly uninterested. Nice ending for her though. But not for the audience. I give this one a thumbs-down.
Lee Eisenberg "Lovelorn Leghorn" probably wasn't the best Looney Tunes cartoon ever, but it certainly has its moments. It features Prissy looking for a husband, so Foghorn Leghorn tells her that Barnyard Dog is a rooster in disguise. After a football sequence, Barnyard clarifies everything and helps Prissy build the most whacked-out "rooster trap" ever, the sort of thing that looks like it was dreamed up by Rube Goldberg.It was always neat how Foggy had his hillbilly phrases, and how he and Barnyard liked to razz each other. This cartoon makes OK use of everything, so I have to say about it - to quote Prissy: "Ye-e-e-e-e-es." Pretty good.
Chip_douglas `Lovelorn Leghorn' is rather a misleading title, as our Foghorn obviously prefers sunbathing over matters of the heart. He won't be receiving much love either, as he is in for a beating. Not only does the Barnyard Dog beat him to the chase to pull the first prank, but before Foghorn can take revenge, he gets another wallop from Prissy and her roller pin.It's no wonder that old square britches Prissy has problems, with all those other hens pointing out her shortcomings all the time. As always Foggy is too much of a lumphead to listen to her and points her in the same direction he always did Henery Hawk. He tells her the Barnyard dog is actually a bachelor rooster in disguise. In return the dog shows Prissy how to build one of his ingenious traps. Even with a big ‘Rooster Trap' sign on it, that feathery nutcake of a rooster still helps her to complete it. Not one of the most memorable Foghorn features. Robert McKimson takes his time in setting up and executing each gag, and therefore the laugh ratio seems to be much lower than usual. Prissy stands in for Henery Hawk quite well, and we do find out there's a whole football field on the farm, but that does not add much. 5 out of 10