Love n' Dancing
Love n' Dancing
PG-13 | 02 April 2009 (USA)
Love n' Dancing Trailers

When a bored-with-life English teacher meets a West Coast Swing champion dancer, they have an instant connection. Both feel that the other can fulfill what was missing in their lives. Jake and Jessica must try to elude all obstacles, romantic or otherwise, to stay focused on the goal - winning the World Title and winning each other. Will they give in to the pressure or come out like champs?

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
steel_indigo It is clear that most who reviewed this film know very little about the type of dancing in this movie. No this particular story or dance has not been shown in any movie in quite this way. The movie is based a lot on actual experiences the writer had which was Tom Malloy who portrayed the deaf dancing teacher. Therefore they used real competition dancers throughout the movie. Many of the professional dancers played various parts in different dance numbers and these were the best of the best. Tom Malloy got the idea concerning his character learning there were actual deaf dancers like this and most do turn off their hearing aids while they are dancing as he showed.Many scenes were taken from real life experiences or one's the author was told about like Billy Zane's bag dance which is done at some weddings. There is no major plot except the life of competition dancing for those who do West Coast Swing and the budding romance of the main two characters. Props are not allowed in this type of competition but since it was a film they took some liberties. All of the main dancers are award winning dancers. Nicola Royston is the wife of the man who did the MC part, Robert Royston. He is considered the best West Coast Swing Dancer in the world and she had done stage acting previously. So that was a treat.This was an Indie film and they struggled even getting the funds to make it and considering who was in it and behind it they did something wonderful. The film was supposed to be where the skyline showed. The fact they filmed much of it in NM isn't relevant. It wasn't a mistake. I absolutely love this film, it is unique. The director actually had a dance background even though he is known for other types of things. Billy Zane was hilarious and did a lot of ad-libs throughout the movie.Tom Malloy and Amy Smart do almost all their own dancing. He had nine years in West Coast Swing dancing and she actually did have a ballet background from 4 to 14 and after that jazz dancing but not this type. It was only at the end they added in doubles to help the look of the last dance in the competition. Malloy didn't know until they went to film and was a little miffed but it got sorted out. Therefore part of it is Tom and Amy and some the doubles. You see them sitting in the audience earlier in the movie. They are the two sitting where the man tells the woman that Tom's character is deaf. There are parts that removed cues that he was deaf because they went from a long short to close up. As for the phone, his phone may have figuratively had an amplifier in it so he could hear with his hearing aids. Being declared deaf doesn't necessarily mean that one cannot hear. Some hear certain things and not others and some are stone cold deaf. His character was not born deaf nor was all his hearing gone but enough to be declared deaf. He only stated how he knew what the kids were saying. He did not go into any other aspect of the character's hearing or any fixes he had concerning it.All in all if you know what the movie is about it did what it was designed to do. Some may know Tom Malloy from other films. He was the writer, and producer of the movie The Alphabet Killer and also had an acting part. He also actually does motivational speaking. Get a DVD and listen to the background behind this movie. Love N' Dancing is one of my favorites and I have watched it many times. If you don't like the feel good type of movie that is musical then this wouldn't be your cup of tea, but it is clever and a very entertaining film.
hudelpunne forget the story (this kind of plot was filmed a thousand times before), forget the dancing (those who watch the movie because of it will judge by different parameters than I do), forget the lame camera-work and generic music - this is about dialogue and acting! I am actually thinking, the whole film is a parody about how special interest movies are made. the guy is deaf, but a dancer. so far so good. his former girlfriend is trying to win him back in a hilariously overacted 40's-femme-fatale-manner, while both of them look as imbecile as it gets. amy smart is admittedly a much nicer sight, but she peaks the top of her acting abilities with her performance of a stressed teacher (the students seem nice though, albeit a bit bored, which is understandable) having kind of an inner outbreak in the classroom, screaming and nearly dancing at the same time. I nearly fell off the sofa at that point. and when she came into the club, saying "wow, I can feel the energy!", I actually did. billy zane's stammering and overacting was also annoying and entertaining at the same time; like everybody else he was obviously left totally on his own (and to the unwillingly funny script) by the director, who seemed to have put all his efforts into the dancing scenes, and left the rest of the movie to his friends and family. not a very wise decision, if you ask me. so: one star for the dancing, one for the funny moments (if not on purpose), and one for the chuzpe to call this thing a movie. three altogether, and that's more than fair.
jimmerw It was painful sitting through this. The same movie has been done over and over again. Acting was poor. Each one of them seemed to be trying too hard to bring their characters to life.The story, a school teacher takes a few dance lessons and her instructor believes she is ready to compete in the world championships? Are you serious? It was so bad, even the smallest things were annoying. A scene at a party, male leads former dance partner is with her new guy. He is chomping on gum with his mouth open like a cow chewing it's cud. And drinking a beer. Beer and gum? Try it sometime, you'll see why it isn't done.I could run off a seemingly endless list of things in this movie that I found annoying, but it would be much easier to list the things that did not annoy me. Hmmmmmm, thinking........hmmmm..... well, the dance sequences, with the real dancers, were fairly good to watch.I just wish there was a score lower than 1 to rate this movie.
Roland E. Zwick Robert Iscove's "Love N' Dancing" chronicles the romance between an attractive middle school teacher and a deaf dance instructor she meets at a school assembly. The trouble is that Jessica (Amy Smart) is already engaged to a workaholic (a bald Billy Zane) who's always on his cell phone, while Jake (played by screenwriter Tom Malloy), who holds the title of World West Coast Swing Champion, is still carrying the torch for a former flame who has already moved onto a new love interest and dance partner.A paint-by-numbers romantic comedy, "Love N' Dancing" has moments of undeniable charm - in its early stages at least - but the triteness of the plotting, the uncharismatic performances, the motley secondary characters (Rachel Dratch and Bette White make brief appearances), and the surfeit of implausibilities wind up taking their toll in the end.The dancing is cool, though.