Love Letter of a Murderer
Love Letter of a Murderer
| 13 April 1972 (USA)
Love Letter of a Murderer Trailers

A man (José Luis López Vázquez) walks into a bar and shoots four people dead. Next day everybody is talking about the murders. The police know who the killer is and have his photo, but the man himself remains at large. Blanca (Serena Vergano), a lonely librarian, receives a letter from him, declaring his love for her. Apparently he has been a regular at the municipal library, although Blanca denies ever having noticed him.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
MRBICKLE This is a movie like many others from a filmmaker who wants to innovate, but stays in the middle of the path. During the Franco years there was in Spain a very conventional and unoriginal cinema, so films like this one are to be praised because they were a bit of fresh air and new stuff like the french did with their Nouvelle Vague.The problem begins when we focus in the film itself, a confusing love story about obsession (a man who kills because of the despair he feels because he loves a woman), with some kind of forced poetry on it and that frankly, gets boring sometimes. You can feel that this and other movies of the time were just experiments, not products completely finished and developed and from directors who were just beginning their careers. And as such, experiments, they must be seen; but sadly the flaws in both plot and direction are too much to consider it more than just correct. At least we have José Luis López Vázquez, that proves here how great he is as an actor.
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