Love & Human Remains
Love & Human Remains
| 22 July 1994 (USA)
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In a Canadian metropolis, failed actor David shares a place with the bookish Candy, whom he dated before coming out as gay. While David, who now waits tables, pursues an aimless romance with a younger coworker, Candy dabbles in both same-sex and heterosexual affairs. As David and Candy's odd assortment of friends — including a telepathic sex worker and an ill-tempered yuppie — pass in and out of their beds, a serial murder stalks the city's women.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Sic Coyote I bought this film from my local blockbuster for 99p an it's been sitting in my video bookcase for at least a year now. Then tonight I decided to see it, the film was quite different to what I had expected and I didn't find any humour in it all I saw was that it was a bleak look at people dealing with love relationships and sexual orientation and I didn't really see the psycho killer plot really having a point except to add tension to the end of the film. I felt that the person playing the lesbian woman did a great job. I was following her emotions and what happened around her. Some people would probably have seen some of the stuff that she does as funny but I could really put myself in her place, loving someone but them rejecting you at every turn no matter how hard you try. I thought it was a very moving film and dealt with all the different sexualities well. I was expecting something like Bound & Gagged : A love story, but this is a very different film. Not for bigots.
Grand This was the film that started that the cinematic love affairbetween the Jaundiced Eye crew and Matthew Ferguson. Hisability to portray RELATIVELY normal characters like Birkoff in"La Femme Nikita" is counter-balanced by his equally defthandling of weirdos like "Kane." One wishes that he would onlybe given more roles, bigger roles, and other, even more complexroles to assay to push the limits of his abilities. There werefour or five memorable scenes in this film, and Matthew Fergusonstole two of them from far more experienced actors. This filmitself is good, and it is worth watching on its own merits, butFerguson makes it a little extra special. His *ouevre* mayeventually show what the career of Anthony Perkins MIGHT havebeen like if he hadn't been typecast as "Norman Bates" so longago. "Kane" isn't quite as whacked-out as Norman, and far fewerpeople saw "Love and Human Remains than saw "Psycho," so we canhope that Ferguson will show us some hint of what Perkins MIGHThave been able to accomplish, had he been allowed to do so. . . .
Brandy-28 It started out pretty dull. But it got better and better. I really didn't recognize Thomas Gibson until there was a close up. What do you know Greg from Dharma & Gregg. He was very good in this movie. I thought Matthew Ferguson was very beautiful with his long hair, puppydog eyes, and very, very cute butt (there was a nice long shot of his butt at his house). Poor Matthew, he is so in love with Thomas, it's almost sickening. But all in all, I guessed who the killer was in the first fifteen minutes. Not that it was easy, it's just that I have a keen eye for those types of movies. But like I said, all in all, a very good storyline, with real life people, you can really care about. Life, that's what I see in this movie. A must see!!!!!!
lash I first watched this movie in Istanbul Film Festival back in 1994. It was so good I took couple of friends with me and went to see it again the same week. The characters are very well played and the humor here and there is amazing. It sure is a very powerful gay movie. Some scenes make you feel you're watching an episode of Friends with much more sophisticated lines. I guess I'll put it in my VCR and watch it again tonight...
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