Love Happy
Love Happy
NR | 12 October 1949 (USA)
Love Happy Trailers

The Marx Brothers help young Broadway hopefuls when they get mixed up with gangsters due to a tin of sardines containing Romanoff diamonds.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Peereddi I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.
IncaWelCar In truth, any opportunity to see the film on the big screen is welcome.
jarrodmcdonald-1 Recently I watched LOVE HAPPY, the last Marx Brothers film, on Amazon Prime. When I read up on the production history of it, I learned the film ran into some financial difficulties and almost was not completed. The only way to finish the movie, by raising the extra funds, was to invent a rooftop scene where Harpo is chased by some crooks.And as Harpo runs around during that sequence (which lasts for more than five minutes), he whizzes past billboards that flash product information in bright lights. About half those companies are still in existence today. So whoever worked for Wheaties' ad department made a smart decision, because every time that film is seen from 1950 into infinity, Wheaties continues to get on-going advertising from it.As for the finished product, this is not a terrible Marx Brothers effort. Nor is it one of their best. But I think most people will enjoy Harpo's antics.
jotix100 This film marked the finale for the Marx Brothers glorious career in movies. Of course, "Love Happy" does not compare with their classic work which was much wittier than what comes out here. It almost appears the movie was a vehicle for Harpo Marx more than a collaboration of the trio that made us laugh.The plot is paper thin, but there are moments that work, like the chase sequence at the end and the "Kleptomaniacs" performance by Harpo as the film begins. Groucho is only seen as an afterthought. Chico Marx has nothing to do in the film. The lovely Ilona Massey adds a sinister tone to the comedy, with her Madame Egilichi, who is after the Romanoff diamond necklace that has been smuggled in a can of sardines.As directed by David Miller, with an uncredited help by Leo McCarey. The production shows it might have had problems, which probably means that Mr. McCarey came to make the film more appealing to audiences. The same can be said about the screenplay by Frank Tashlin and Marc Bedoff, as an uncredited Ben Hecht was brought in to help with the project.The cast shows two surprises. Raymond Burr is seen in one of the many heavy types he played at the start of his days in Hollywood. Marilyn Monroe is ravishingly fresh and fun as an aspiring actress. Vera Ellen, Eric Blore, Marion Hutton, Melville Cooper and Paul Valentine have featured roles.In spite of all its flaws, "Love Happy" is a must see for all Marx Brothers fans.
bkoganbing For their final film, the Marx Brothers are featured in Love Happy which while it has some flashes of brilliance, does not come any kind of close to what they were doing in the Thirties. As a sign of the times. Groucho disdains the false mustache and wig and grows his own upper lip coverage, making him look more like the Groucho Marx I first knew, as the host of You Bet Your Life.In fact Groucho is thrown into this film almost as an after thought. Until the end, he does not interact at all with Chico and Harpo. He narrates and plays detective Sam Grunion who is on the trail of a valuable diamond necklace that spider woman like villainess Ilona Massey has smuggled into the country in a specially marked can of sardines worth a Maltese Cross.But the plans go up the spout as Harpo in his capacity as shoplifter, takes all kinds of food from the delicatessen that the sardines were delivered to. The food is for the cast members of a show that is struggling. Dancing ingénue Vera-Ellen gets the valuable sardines though she doesn't know it and the necklace goes on quite an adventure.Harpo gets the best moments for the brothers in Love Happy. His pantomime skills are at their very best here. I do love that telephone call to Chico when Ilona Massey and henchmen kidnap him and later on when he plays charades with Chico trying to give him a message of danger. Unfortunately it's not enough to carry the film by itself.Marion Hutton is the singer in the cast and she's Betty's younger sister and former vocalist with Glenn Miller. She had a fine voice, but her style was too similar to her sister and she never really established any individuality after leaving the Miller Orchestra. Compared to their work for Paramount and MGM in the previous decade, Love Happy just doesn't hit the mark.
MartinHafer This is a very sad effort from the Marxes, as you can't help but wonder how much better the film would have been if they hadn't messed with an old formula and allowed the brothers to actually work together--Groucho is more the narrator and has no real involvement with Chico or Harpo. Plus, given their age, the team just seems old and tired (with the exception of Harpo).However, despite these major drawbacks, there are a couple sight gags that are marvelous. HOWEVER, DO NOT READ FURTHER AS THERE ARE SPOILER!! When Harpo is being searched, the stuff they find in his coat is amazing! So, I guess it can be said that this is Harpo's movie. So, the old formula is just lacking.