Lost Signal
Lost Signal
| 01 December 2006 (USA)
Lost Signal Trailers

New Years Eve, 2004- Kevin Healy(Santos) and Tiffany Matthews(McCoy) head out to celebrate the New Year and a new beginning in their 7-year relationship. In the midst of the celebration the young couple decide to mark the occasion by experimenting with Crystal Meth. Unbeknown to them, town bad boy Randy Martin slips LSD in their drinks, setting into motion a night of life altering events which will leave one dead and the other forever scarred. The young couple leave the party and quickly begin to realize that they are not alone, or so they think. After a car accident the two run into the woods to escape their stalker, with no protection from the elements. Attempts to call for help are futile when they realize that their cell phone signal is lost. Alone in the woods with the delusions of being chased the couple slowly begin to turn on each other.

Wordiezett So much average
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
atinder A couple have just left a new years eve party and then on the trip, they both start feel stranger Tiff are hearing voices and while Kevin were see things as fuzzy, well I also found the movie to be very fuzzy as well.As the movie goes on, you not really what is really going one, it really happening, or it is all in their head? Well it's wasn't all bad, there some parts of the movie that enjoyed but I found most of the movie to be a bit annoying.There were some decent turns and twist that makes sense before the last scenes but I didn't not get the last twist at the end however it's did surprise me but It's didn't really make sense.The movie leaves you hanging and without explaining the last scenes. 4 out of 10 worthing watching a least one time.
teressaf30-143-959952 I really liked this movie because it was based on actual events. I had seen the true story on "Primetime" a while back and immediately realized that is what this movie was about. I thought this movie was very, very accurate as to what actually happened with the couple in Nebraska in 2005. Only problem was the ending was absolutely fictional in the movie. In reality they both froze to death. All in all a good movie. I love stuff based on true events. I was a bit confused on which drugs were involved. I knew the actual drug was crystal meth. In the movie they snorted crystal meth and the guy at the party added something to their drink. It was later in the film that it was revealed that he had spiked their drink with LSD. Not sure that was the case in the actual event.
Ted Brown Dead of winter, also known as Lost Signal, follows Santos and McCoy, a young couple who are unknowingly slipped a high dosage of LSD at a New Years Eve party. As the drugs start to take effect, and the couple leaves the party, they start to become paranoid that someone is out to get them. After a car accident leaves them stranded in the woods, their trip continues gaining momentum as does their fear.I found this movie by total accident in the wee hours of the mourning. I was bored and needed some background noise while I was studying for finals. Before I knew it I was drawn in and hooked, not able to take my attention away from the movie. I've seen quite a few movies with the "Bad Trip" scenario, and hated most of them, but what makes this movie stand out from the rest is there is no madman, no monster, you are simply viewing two people who have no clue that they are having an extremely strong LSD trip. The actors who play the two mains do an excellent job of portraying this terrifying situation as well, both are very believable during the entire movie. I really had a good time watching this film. It turned out to be one of those random "it came from Netflix" gems I find now and then when sleep isn't an option. I highly recommend giving this movie a chance, it is very much atmosphere driven so don't expect ton's of story or over the top special effects. If it wasn't for the super cheesy special effects, that caused me many times to be reminded that what I was watching was only a movie due to how silly they were most of the time I would of given this film a bit higher of a score. But none the less I feel its worth your time.6/10 - Ritualistic The Liberal Dead http://liberaldead.blogspot.com
dschmeding "Lost Signal" is a nice little movie taking the basic premises of ordinary slasher movies (that is a disoriented couple chased through the woods, hiding in abandoned cabin and seeing strange persons suddenly appearing in their backseat, before windows etc.). What is different is that the movie is very slow and in reality just the hallucinations the two have after someone slipped them LSD in their drinks on a new years eve party.Most of the movie plays with the couple stumbling through the icy woods after leaving their car behind when they think someone lurks in their backseat. From here everything is going downward from trying not to freeze to death to seriously tripping out in the end (that is paying its homage to "Shining" pretty obviously). The only piece of sanity is the 9/11 operator that is regularly talking to them on their cellphone and trying to trace their position between losing their signal and trying to decipher their inconsistent stories.Sure the movie is slow and has its lengths but honestly it kept me interested. Also the acting and cinematography was OK, so I don't get the negative comments on the movie that basically rip off on some continuity errors (And I give you that the scarf thing is a real bad and obvious continuity error) but that doesn't make this a 3star movie.Spoiler ahead .... for those who say the ending didn't make any sense I wonder why you didn't get it. The guy who slips them LSD clearly wants to get in Tiffanys pants and he uses 3 glasses of which one is marked and he drinks of it. This means he drugged both, so Tiffanys actions are clear and since she hears strange voices on the phone she is obviously high as her boyfriend.The story is pretty simple... drugs are bad and the montage shows very clear the many sufferings this evening placed on many including nice clean Tiffany who has to live with what she has done now on top of her boyfriend being dead.Considering this is based on a true story I like it even more and give it a 9 just to raise the bar for this interesting movie yet it sure has some flaws. If I'd had to choose about a horror/thriller with drug themes I'd prefer this one over "Shrooms" for sure.