Lost Christmas
Lost Christmas
| 11 December 2011 (USA)
Lost Christmas Trailers

An Urban Fairy Tale set in Manchester. A story of how a series of tragic events, that blight a young boy's life on Christmas Eve, take him on a journey where a chance meeting with a mysterious stranger may have the key to help and give him a perfect Christmas.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
adam-varley Although we missed the original transmission, we have sat and watched this film as a family several times. A lovely heartwarming (but definitely not smoozy) tale. The soundtrack is clever and very atmospheric. Great performances, especially from Eddie Izzard. Although I am a big fan of Christmas and we all like Disney I have to say this film comes highly recommended as an antidote to the disneyfication of Christmas. I have even purchased the 'Happy Prince' by Oscar Wilde which forms part of the story - quite a surprise and very cheaply available on line. If you like Dickens you should like this. Also, check out the Manchester and Salford locations! Give it a try - I hope it is on TV next year and is more hyped - it went under our radar a bit but we did record the repeat.
didi-5 With all the hype about 'Lost Christmas' I came to it without high expectations, especially after seeing Eddie Izzard in previous dramas and not rating him that highly. However, in the role of the mysterious Anthony, a mystical man of magic without a sense of place, he seems to have found an ideal vehicle for his quirky talent.We first meet Anthony when Frank (Jason Flemyng) comes across him on a deserted Manchester pavement where the lights mysteriously go on and off. Wearing a name badge on his coat, he has no memory of his life other than an ability to see what others have lost.Tied in with Frank's story is that of the young thief Goose, who has still coming to terms with the horrible events of last Christmas, spending time with his dog, Mutt.Taking some inspiration from 'The Christmas Carol' and 'It's a Wonderful Life', this drama weaves together a number of connected stories and situations over an hour and a half running time. It also has a satisfying, although not entirely joyful, twist.This show could become an enduring classic of Christmas, and if it did, it would be deserved. Well worth a look.
deaduncleted Reasonably well done. Pretty well acted with an originalish take on a Christmas Carol. Eddie Izzard did seem to be playing a toned down version of his stand up piece, and that led to the piece not knowing if it was serious or light hearted. The boy was excellent, as was the uncle, and as always, Geoffrey Palmer, despite his part being so small. The issue I had was the playing of the Grandmother's dementia for laughs. Putting the turkey in the washing machine, buttering Christmas cards; all showed a lack of respect, and most likely a team of writers who have no idea of the difficulties of the disease. It really spoiled an otherwise decent piece. Shame.
Fabienne18 There are numerous Christmas classics that we all know and love. And this year one has been added to the list. Lost Christmas is a poignant story that will touch the hearts of many. We are all familiar with A Christmas Carol, where we meet with the Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Future. But what if we've forgotten one on this list? What about the Ghost of Christmas Lost? We start the story of a young boy who goes by the nickname of Goose who receives a puppy as a Christmas present. As he is so keen to go for a walk with his dad and the dog, but his dad cannot join him and so a chain of events is set in motion. This child's simple wish of wanting his dad home rather than going to work will alter the course of many lives. One night, Frank, Goose's uncle, meets Anthony a man he sees lying in the street, who seems to be babbling nonsense and vanishes as fast as he appears. Anthony seems to have no recollection of who he is, where he came from nor where he's supposed to go but he seems to know things. Find things that are lost and make lives whole again.The performance of the cast was brilliant and intense. I fell in love with Anthony's innocence, inherent sweetness, fearlessness and brutal honesty. Eddie Izzard's performance is flawless and stellar. The way Eddie brought Anthony to life is done in such a manner that I will remember Anthony for each Christmas to come in my life. He might be the Ghost of Christmas Lost but I'll see him as an Angel too. I have seen almost all of Eddie's work and I must say this performance has to be one of his best.In casting Larry Mills as Goose, we see a rare performance of a child that brings so much life to a character that he becomes real. I foresee a long career for this young man, that will take him many places. I can't wait to see what he will do next. John Hay did a marvelous job into bringing the story to life, he has a great vision on how to bring raw emotions to the screen, so much so that you're not simply following a story on a screen but you're right there with them joining them on this incredible adventure. A rare and precious gift to have. The lingering camera shots all over the city bring you to a different world, indeed the world of an urban fairytale.And in praise of the writers of the story, I love the fact that the story seems to work on so many levels so that both children and adults will appreciate the story. When children grow older and see the film again I am sure they will be amazed at realizing more and more of the underlying story they might have overlooked when younger.All in all a wonderful, touching, loving Christmas story that will linger with you a long time after the film is done.