Loose Change: Final Cut
Loose Change: Final Cut
PG-13 | 11 November 2007 (USA)
Loose Change: Final Cut Trailers

Loose Change Final Cut is the third installment of the documentary that asks the tough questions about the 9/11 attacks and related events. This movie hopes to be the catalyst for a new independent investigation, in which the family members receive answers to their questions, and the TRUE PERPETRATORS of this horrendous crime are PROSECUTED and PUNISHED.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Lawbolisted Powerful
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
digitalWarp I watched the first part of this before my Interwebs died on me, but it was enough to get a distinct feel that it is much different than the previous 2 versions. I have also watched Screw Loose Change, and perused other sites dedicated to debunking the film(s). Now, my official stance on 9/11 is that something stinks, and everyone knows it only some people are unwilling to admit it. Also there is no such thing as a 9/11 Denier as that is a logical fallacy and an ad hominem attack used in an attempt to discredit anyone who's opinion and perspective is different from those who believe the events as they were presented by the main stream media. The purpose of Loose Change: Final Cut is to open peoples eyes to a possible truth, and to raise questions that need to be answered. This it does using new footage, and new information that the previous films did not have, and by removing information that wasn't sound as any decent film maker should do.The movie should be seen by everyone if only so that everyone has a chance to see that there are problems with the official story. The film might be biased in one direction, but that doesn't mean it doesn't merit a once over since it's not the same as the first two.
Jason Furmage I think its very unfair for people to give bad ratings to this movie without even watching it, a lot of heat Loose Change gets is centred around the original film and the second edition.It's true that Loose Change 2nd edition and the original film did contain inaccurate information, and have been debunked in many areas. Which is precisely why this film had to be made.For people who were put off by the first two films, you shouldn't be so quick to judge Loose change final cut, it really is completely different film and approach to 9/11 truth. Loose Change Final Cut doesn't jump to wild conclusions like the previous editions, it states only facts and then leaves the viewer to decide.I'm not necessarily a truther, but I do like to give all 9/11 documentaries a fair chance and this one has delivered IMO.Watch the movie and decide for yourself.
dragons2607 That once again - people get an idea in their heads, fabricate the truth, and go full-force onto the internet where people gobble up everything they say and take it to heart.First and foremost - if you're looking for absolutely no evidence (other than youtube quality videos, and well-edited snippets of information) to deduce what occurred on September 11th, then look no further. Now, I'm not here to say what did or didn't happen that day - I'm here to review a "documentary." Bottom line - this movie is for the most impressionable of people. Dylan Avery's "facts" have been refuted time and time again by the most credible and unbiased of sources, yet he continues making these flicks and people continue eating them up.The one thing this movie can teach you - is to always question. However, for someone who is so convinced that the government is lying to its people about one of the worst atrocities in American history, its a very introverted causality when he turns that paranoia into fabrications. If you want an accurate, intellectual account of what some truthers believe happened on 9/11 - steer clear of Loose Change. There are many more reputable films/documentaries/interviews that might quell that need for a conspiracy better.This one isn't, and shouldn't be, it.
darion_kain The sceptics don't want the mainstream media to see this movie. Same for the government. Sceptics live in their own world where they are right and anything else is wrong. Ask questions, Demand answers. There are more holes in the official story it's not even funny. Yet the mainstream media refuses to even ask these questions. And when people do ask they are considered 'nut jobs' for asking. If the people don't wake up soon we all will be living in a police state run country told what to do. Sceptics don't care about truth. They only care about being right. Screw Loose Change is nothing but a play on words that doesn't debunk Loose Change whatsoever. And if someone tells you this movie sucks then their telling lies because it's not even out yet. Watch the movie then make up your mind. If you can't answer all the questions asked look it up on your own. You can gain intelligence from reading, but common sense cannot be taught. Sceptics only see what they want to see. Don't be blinded by play on words.