| 25 October 2001 (USA)
Longshot Trailers

Teen Alex Taylor and his older brother Jack live in L.A. where Jack is a personal fitness trainer. Jack had an affair with Mitzi Price, a very powerful business man's wife. Her husband, Laszlo Price, then blackmails Jack into going to New York City to get information from Rachel Montgomery, about who she is selling her company to. Jack brings Alex with him to make sure that he will be safe. Jack and Rachel fall in love while Alex falls in love Rachel's daughter Kelly. Eventually Jack tells Rachel why he was sent to New York, and the two work together to bring Laszlo Price down. Rachel needs to have two million dollars in order to not sell her company. Alex wins the money in a halftime contest at a basketball game. They provide information about Laszlo Price to the police, and he is arrested.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
JMoney324 Well, I happened to stumble over... and for my own namesake, maybe not... reviews regarding this film. Though I'm sure it was an idea created to lure an audience into a theatre to have them walk out saying "Wow, I have that warm fuzzy feeling! Anyone want to sing a song from the soundtrack!? Or even better... buy the soundtrack?" It instead had people walk out with a sickness that had a middle and confusing feeling on whether to like the film or not. But as far as the comments, those which give it such a horrible review, should make the people realize that their comments are just as bad and degrading to the brain as what they feel the movie is to those who watched it. I actually know a couple of people from the film. And let me point this next comment to a "screen name" called "caspian". Hardly any of the actors from this film did it for money. With the exclusion of a few... they did it with the intention that it would just be watched and released. Adding that it could only help their career to a more promising path. In fact, the schmucks who made this film are the only ones to see a profit... not the actors. And other schmucks who starred in the film with big names(one in particular) won't even help the lower end actors in obtaining any financial credability. So, "Caspian" guy from "Providence", understand... the next time you make a film, oh Mr. know everything about independent film making, cast actors who can act. Which despite a bad script, they do quite well in Longshot. And create a proud circumstance for everyone involved with the process of making a film. That way, when a movie is badly written as this one was... the actors and the people involved in making the film can walk away from it without being ridiculed for what the Producers and exec's released.
bang_bang Okay...this movie was so great at being just terribly ghastly...dreadful..in the words of Simon Cowell. Oh my God, I don't even know where to begin! First of all, I watched this movie because my pal told me that she got it for the cameos, which included people like O-Town, Britney Spears, and NSYNC, which we're fans of. I enjoyed O-Town at the beginning of the movie. I was a fan of Making The Band and I was hooked on it. So it was cool to see O-Town in that setting. It was just like watching Making The Band...almost, except they were acting..or attempting to act. It was great when you think of the rest of the movie. The rest of the cameos...Britney Spears plays a flight attendant. Wow...I guess that was practice for her "Toxic" video..Bah..She plays a flight attendant, has like two lines...Heh..not very memorable, but she looked cute. That was the sane, beautiful Britney we fell in love with...Anyway, then there's the *NSYNC guys...First came Lance with Brit on the plane. It was crap. He had a stupid little one liner with an *NSYNC pun..It was wack. Then came Justin, who was quite funny. He's a funny dude. Then there was JC and Joey.They cracked me up. They had some cool chemistry. And then came Chris which was okay...There were so many boy groups I'd never heard of. Okay, I heard of them but I couldn't tell who was who. They all looked alike. The one that killed me was the Rock. He wasn't advertised on the little DVD cover. I was soo surprised when he popped out as a "mugger" and got beat up by that stupid kid.Why am I wasting my time on this review? The acting sucked. The soundtrack was wack. There is a cheap little part when one of the 'leads' serenades his chick friend. OH HELL NO. Why, oh, why? I mean it was so terrible and painfully corny. I had to fast forward. It wasn't even funny, it was embarrassing. Ugh. The thing that made me sad was that Paul Sorvino was in it! I loved him in GoodFellas...I even loved him in See Spot Run. But LONGSHOT? Crapshot. It was just so sad that he let himself be bought into being in this movie.Lou Pearlman is such a disgusting sleazeball. He was present too many times. He's also not a genius. Sure he put together the Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC. But he can not put together a good movie. This movie totally lacks heart. It's all a ploy to get poplovers to buy this monkey crap. It lacks heart, actual acting talent, a gripping plot, good dialogue..Ugh. It was a complete waste of my life. It felt like it went on forever. No one should see this movie. NO ONE! It's too awful. I don't recommend it, not even for laughs because it is not funny, with the exception of Justin, JC, and Joey...maybe even the Rock..This movie would suck with or without the cameos...THE CHEETAH GIRLS was probably more enjoyable than this crap.
brighteyesbeam this movie is painfully funny, a ridiculous plot, that i won't give justice by explaining and a cast of "the pearlman pals" a.k.a any popular pop band of 2000, not to mention washed up celebs (that guy from kc and the sunshine band, kenny roastin rodgers, and jermaine not that famous jackson), but the greatest cameo of all is the rock in his breakthrough role as a mugger, a mugger who is decimated by a 18 year old boy with a pony tail, it's just histarical, rent this movie with no hope at all, but if you want to just laugh a brutal laughter buy it. 10 out of 10 and i'm not even on drugs.
R Smith A vehicle for star cameos. If you need a plot, character development or anything else in a movie, look elsewhere.Watched this on HBO, and I'm surprised that they actually have this scheduled this several times. Watch for a stock hit.