Little Lady Fauntleroy
Little Lady Fauntleroy
| 28 June 2004 (USA)
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Former child prodigy James Harries and his family may at first sight seem to be a houseful of geniuses, but although every single member has a Ph.D. in Metaphysics, we soon discover that some were purchased from a fake university in the USA, while the others were awarded to them by themselves. They regard themselves as morally, intellectually, and financially superior to the rest of society, even though the clan (housed in a mock mock-Tudor cottage in the middle of a Cardiff council estate) includes a convicted arsonist, an astral projectionist, a former Bunny Girl, a part-time private detective and a transgender daughter (James is now Lauren), all of whom seem to live their lives in a parallel universe.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Robbie Lockie we found this documentary on Netflix, I'd heard about Lauren's transition. I did not expect to be confronted with such a mocking and withered attack on an eccentric British family.I felt like the entire family where on trial the entire documentary.This whole documentary is an assignation on a collection of people.The constant pauses and attempts to trap the the person in front of the camera, the awful organ music.What an utter mess.Watching stuff like this makes me realize and determine to produce good documentaries about interesting and unusual people.Is this the dribble that was on TV 12 years ago?
teethgrrrinder Having grown up with little slices of child-freak James Harries making it all the way the Australia, i was damn excited about a documentary. this incredibly interesting subject of a person so desperate for media attention they have become a fake child prodigy to hideous transsexual. it also delves into the Harries family ...a weird weird family.Most of these opportunities are wasted and washed over by Keith Allen making himself the star of the documentarymaybe we are spoiled with Louis Theroux and how he coaxes people into revealing themselves, but we watch documentaries for the subject, not the aggressive irritating smug host
Paul Bakalite The Harries family are shoddily treated in this film. They don't have great gifts but they are likable enough and Lauren (formerly odd little prodigy James Harries) has had to be tough to deal with others' ignorance - as many people who have had a sex change do. There is an increasing trend in television to humiliate and deceive participants in documentaries and reality shows. Is it the modern-day equivalent of throwing Christians to the lions?The Harries emerge from this film content in their eccentricity and should be respected for that. Presenter, Keith Allen, on the other hand appears narrow-minded and aggressive.
buffmonkey666 This is a "must see" documentary. It follows the story of Lauren Harries, a once male child antique expert, made famous by appearances on British T.V. in the 1980's and her unique family.Keith Allen presents this fantastic insight into one of the country's most dysfunctional families and exposes the fantasy world in which they seem happy to live in.Without giving too much away.....this is car crash television at its finest and also a great exercise in biased editing!! Be prepared for an insane amount of cringing and a ride you will never forget!! Highly recommended!!
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