Lips of Blood
Lips of Blood
| 17 May 1975 (USA)
Lips of Blood Trailers

Frédéric sees a photograph of a ruined seaside castle, which triggers a strange childhood memory. He then goes on a strange quest, aided by four female vampires, to find the castle and the beautiful woman who lives there.

Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
jctoledano Having only seen the beautiful poster of "Lèvres de sang" during my teenage years of fanzines, I was curious and a bit eager to finally get the chance to watch it. It has surprised me in two differences that I found regarding previous and later Rollin movies: 1) we get to follow the male protagonist's point of view most of the time, and 2) the first half of the movie is shot in a city or at least a large town, as opposed to the early cult classics of Rollin ("Le frisson des vampires", "Requiem for a vampire" etc.), though towards the ending the plot moves on to the good ol' ruined-castle-inhabited-by- naked-lesbian-vampires and rocky deserted beach kind of settings.As the story develops from the male protagonist's point of view, the movie seems to me more entertaining, it has a faster-moving path than other Rollin movies. In the story, a man becomes obsessed with a picture of a castle in ruins that is somehow connected to vague remembrances of his childhood. He lets go of himself to find some clue that guides him to the place in the picture and in his mind. Some murders take place, and at this point the movie reminds a good deal of an Italian giallo, in the stylish way they happen, but just at this point, as the plot gives the Rollin twist on its closing, which is somehow slower than the rest of the film but again beautiful, in its macabre way.We must remark the elegant soundtrack, with predominant wind instruments and violins.
John Rankine I'm not a fan of Rollins and thought that Requiem for a Vampire was just a bloody mess but based on the synopsis and the fact that I collect vamp movies I decided to give this one a go. Its amateurish, strays a bit from vampire mythology and boy were those French girls hairy in the 70s but I actually liked the basic plot. You'll recognise plot devices that have made their way into more recent films, not least the returning ghost from 'The Ring'. Re-written and remade with the benefit of modern film craft (and less hairy girls) this could be an excellent modern vampire film. Keep an eye out for the vampire twins, definitely cute but deadly.
Steamcarrot Frederick, a man with no memory of his childhood, attends a party at which he sees a poster of some ruins which stirs, what he believes to be, memories his youth. He seems to recall meeting, and falling in love with, a young girl at the ruins 20 years previously. His mother dismisses the idea, angering Frederick who sets off to see if he can track down the ruins in the poster. His searching takes him through the dark, desolate streets of Paris where he accidentally sets free 4 vampire women who seem to protect him on his quest. All the while he is seeing or having visions of the young girl from years ago……. This being a Jean Rollin film, the expected dodgy acting and plethora of gratuitous nudity is firmly in place but does not distract from the weird and wonderful goings-on. The themes of lost childhood, memories and dreams are fused together creating what comes across as a filmed nightmare as Frederick roams the Parisian streets, searching for something he doesn't know how to find. The ending of the film is bizarre, beautiful and touching all at once. I loved it.
HumanoidOfFlesh "Lips of Blood" is actually one of my favourite films made by Jean Rollin.The film was shot in just three weeks and basically it's a love story filled with lesbian vampires and a lot of female nudity.The film is relatively slow-paced,but offers plenty of wonderful Gothic atmosphere and a tiny bit of gore.The four lesbian vampires are incredibly hot.The story may be boring for some,but I still think that this film is better than most of the crap being put out today.Unfortunately "Lips of Blood" failed to generate much interest at the box office,so Rollin moved toward hard core pornography.Anyway,if you like Jean Rollin's erotic vampire movies give this one a look.Recommended!