Like a Fish Out of Water
Like a Fish Out of Water
| 05 May 1999 (USA)
Like a Fish Out of Water Trailers

A seductive femme fatale (Monica Bellucci) and two con men -- one cool as ice, and one who just likes to "ice" his victims -- enlist a mild-mannered, unsuspecting man in their mission to steal a rare and valuable fish. They plan to sell it back to its grieving owner at an enormous profit (talk about "sleeping with the fishes!"). Tcheky Karyo, Michel Muller and Dominique Pinon co-star.

Wordiezett So much average
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
leplatypus One of the worst movie I have seen in 2009 so far: The story hesitates between a silly thriller or a dumb comedy.As nothings happens, the void is filled with long, boring dialogs that don't make any sense! The cast is famous but doesn't bring any emotions except to fast-forward the play! And it happens in a plush seaside hotel that looks really gloomy. In comparison, the one of the "Shining" is funfair! NB: a lot of users think that it is located in the French Riviera! They are wrong! It isn't the south of France (Nice, Cannes) but totally the opposite: Cabourg & Normandy, to be simple the beaches of the D-Day! That's why the sea is as grey as the sky and there isn't sun!
Princeton89 pacing was good, dialogue mediocre to fair, but the visuals had me on holiday on the French Riveria (out of season)at first, the chemistry seems a little off as the genre of French mob movies has been infiltrated by the American sense of darkness and Tarantino admirers. yet, given the violent subtext, very little actual bloodshed, which works for me.Bellucci as the femme fatale owns the screen (and I'm watching on a PowerBook) - a luminous grace that you can't help but stare as an oncoming car runs over you in the street sort of look.plot is basic and resolves without loose ends, and the character development of the patsie picks up the last few minutes. you almost want the arc sooner, but you're paying too much attention to the idiosyncratic "bad guys" crowd that it almost doesn't this on a Sunday afternoon when you should be doing errands or stay in on a rainy night. a good Seattle, weeknight movie.
campblood13 I saw this only for Monica Bellucci. She is sexy in it, but nothing for anybody who wants more. The film was okay though. Michel Muller is very funny as the duped fish expert. He came to Italy from Spain to meet the woman of his dreams. All the while, he was actually coming there to be used by three fish thieves. His overwhelming feelings for Myrtille, as well as mine, won't allow him to do the right thing and leave. A fun comedy with some action. 5/10
FlorenZO It seems to be a common thing in the 90's to play with cliches. Some manage to do so with great talent. Hervé Hadmar doesn't. On the paper, the movie looked interesting though: the weak plot could have been saved by great moments of comedy, dark humour, and a very "décalé" style. Director Hadmar, unfortunately, kills his direction with his camera angles and his absolute lack of rhythm. Every joke is embarassing as no one reacts in the theater. The movie is incredibly slow, and the actors seem to be wondering what the hell they're doing in this ridiculous mascarade. What could have been a stylish funny mindless comedy ends up being a cathedral of boredom.