Life with Tom
Life with Tom
NR | 21 November 1953 (USA)
Life with Tom Trailers

Mail call. Nothing for Tom, but at Jerry's box, Tom finds a package; inside is a book, "Life with Tom" by Jerry Mouse. As Tom flips to chapters and hears, first a radio audience, then a group of alley cats, then Spike and Tyke, all laughing over the book, we see the clips from earlier shows that everyone is laughing at. Tom gets more and more irate about being the butt of everyone's jokes, and confronts Jerry, clobbering him with the book, when Jerry shows Tom the rest of his mail. The royalty checks have come in, and Jerry has split his $50,000 royalty with Tom. Suddenly, with $25,000 in his pocket, Tom is able to find the book funny.

BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
BA_Harrison Jerry gets a letter and a parcel in the post, while Tom gets absolutely zilch. Curiosity getting the better of the cat (dangerous, considering the old proverb), Tom peeks inside the parcel to find a copy of a book titled 'Life With Tom', which details all his failed attempts at catching the mouse in the past. It seems that the book is a bestseller, written by Jerry, a fact that doesn't please Tom one bit, at least until he reads the letter that the mouse also received…Oh no, it's another dreaded compilation cartoon consisting of clips from previous Tom and Jerry shorts; thankfully, the material that has been chosen is so good that Life With Tom isn't too painful a watch despite the laziness of the format. If anything, it makes me want to revisit the originals—the older Tom and Jerry cartoons were always the best.
ccthemovieman-1 This is mostly "flashbacks," which mean re-hashed or retread materials, clips from previous Tom and Jerry cartoons. I hate it when that happens, whether it's The Pink Panther cartoons, or The Three Stooges short's a lazy way to make a "new" animated or short film. For devotees of that particular character or characters, it's a total waste because we've seen this stuff before.In this cartoon, the "angle" to use this old material is a new book that Jerry has published called "Life With Tom," a play-on-words of the late 1940s film, "Life With Father," perhaps. Anyway, as Tom thumbs through this best-selling book, we get some of Jerry's favorite stories of the two rivals going at each other. A fishing trip comprises one story; a Thanksgiving Day is another is the day Tom tied Jerry's to some miniature railroad tracks. It's all good material, unless you've seen it before. The ending - which at least is new - makes Tom change his mind about the book.
MartinHafer Tom gets the mail and finds a package for Jerry. Instead of giving it to him, he opens it himself and finds a copy of a book Jerry wrote detailing all the stupid things Tom has done and all the mean things he's done to Tom. And, during the course of the cartoon, you are treated to a lot of vintage clips of the cartoons. While I really don't like these retread films, this one is pretty good because the original material is so good and because the story that ties together all these old clips is pretty good as well. While not exactly a great Tom and Jerry cartoon, it is entertaining and worth seeing. Plus, the animation quality and the rest of the production values are excellent.
Bo Brandt Jerry writes a best-seller about his experiences with Tom. This sets the scene for flashbacks to three cartoons: The Little Orphan, Cat Fishin' and Kitty Foiled.***Spoiler*** Jerry is of course upset (being made the laughing stock) and let's Jerry have it. However, Jerry has a card up his sleeve. He's received a check for the book - half of which goes to Jerry.