| 13 September 1991 (USA)
Liebestraum Trailers

A man returns to his hometown and a series of dark secrets are revealed.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
moonspinner55 Mike Figgis wrote and directed this woefully pretentious claptrap about a young writer (Kevin Anderson, in a wholly uncompelling performance) who becomes obsessed with a landmark building about to be torn down. That impossible title refers to a piece of music which was playing in the building the night a mysterious crime took place (it was a crime of passion, yet there's no passion in the leading character, and nothing for the viewer to become involved in). Figgis gets amusingly flashy with this scenario, but it's certainly no threat to "Vertigo"--even with Kim Novak cast in a completely thankless role of a bed-ridden hospital patient. Empty all the way. * from ****
dbdumonteil A piece of advice:the very same year,Kenneth Branagh made a movie with a similar subject:"dead again" featuring himself ,Emma Thompson and Andy Garcia.So avoid Mike Figgis's aborted attempt :what he tries to do,Branagh pulls it off with gusto.What's lacking here is a strong screenplay:an ominous music is intriguing and we often think that the movie is about to get off the ground:it never does and the more it's complicated ,the more it's disappointing (why for instance does the hero hear lovers making love in the bedroom next to his?)Bill Pullmann tries his best in the first part to give his character substance but to no avail.A wasted Kim Novak "spends most of the film bedridden in a gloomy hospital" (Maltin).The drunken sheriff has the longest micturition in the history of cinema.
douglasjgall A movie this muddled doesn't deserve much of a review. The plot, such as it is: an architect comes to a dying city to visit his dying mother. He tries to save a dying building (where people somewhat mysteriously really died many years ago in flagrante delecto) and is dying to have sex with his buddy's wife and solve the previously referred to mystery.This is some type of film noir I suppose, and supposedly an erotic thriller, but although it has some dirty bad language it isn't very erotic and it certainly isn't thrilling. None of the plots is particularily believable, and the question of whether they are going to tie together in the end is, yeh, but it requires such suspension of belief that the whole thing seems quite ridiculous. But don't worry, you will have lost all interest in this movie long before that. There is a "twist" at the end, which you don't see coming (until about 5 minutes before) because it doesn't make logical sense. This was tough going. Nicolas Cage was in Leaving Las Vegas by the same director, and my advice is leave Las Vegas or any other city where this movie is playing. Whoever in Hollywood approved this movie should be force to sit through it. Any other potential viewer, however, should not.
George Parker "Lebestraum", a second rate noirish drama, tells of murder, infidelity, and other stuff. It includes a hair-raising ride in a police car and some prostitute diddling stuff and a big "N" falling off the top of a building almost on our hero's head and some nightmares with the old wake up screaming thing going on and, oh, yeah, and the old cat jumping out during a suspenseful moment. Betwixt and between such trite nonsense is the real story, the real nonsense, which takes itself so seriously as to be almost laughable. Don't waste your time with this loser.Note: The audio quality of the Tivo'd version I watched was awful and there were no subtitles to help fill in the blanks. I had to watch under headphones.