Lenny Bruce: Swear to Tell the Truth
Lenny Bruce: Swear to Tell the Truth
R | 21 October 1998 (USA)
Lenny Bruce: Swear to Tell the Truth Trailers

In 1948, Lenny Bruce was just another comic who couldn't get arrested. By 1961, all that would change.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
PodBill Just what I expected
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
MisterWhiplash I caught this documentary on the Sundance channel, knowing Lenny Bruce very well as being influential (I listened to one of his later recordings) though not knowing a whole lot on why he became the most controversial comic of the pre-Vietnam era. What I learned was that Lenny Bruce's story - of rising to fame as a satirist and stand-up comic after working in strip joints, and then being put down by the legal machinations of the United States government - is both hilarious and engrossing, and here and there a (necessary) downer. What the system pulled over on Lenny was a travesty, and the mere fact that (technically) the charge of swearing/indecency still stands decades later is an insult to, if any, meaning by the constitution. When Lenny does do his act in the film, one who's never heard most of his material can be drawn in, the style in which he lays his bits is extraordinary. If one had to describe this film to someone who hasn't seen it, or perhaps might not know who Lenny Bruce is (most of my friends don't, though they know his descendents like George Carlin), 'Lenny Bruce: Swear to Tell the Truth' is about a terrific wordsmith who's self-esteem got crushed to oblivion & suicide by those who felt that they had the right over another person's language. It also includes some good narration by old Bobby De Niro. Grade: (strong) A
gbheron Lenny Bruce is an iconic figure from post-war America. He is viewed today, both as a martyr in the struggle for freedom of expression, and as a giant in stand-up comedy showing the way to an entire generation of comedians that followed him. "Lenny Bruce: Dare to Tell the Truth" fleshes out the icon and presents Lenny as a human being. Following the chronology of Lenny's life from WWII till his premature death in 1965, the film is enhanced by interviews with Lenny's mother, ex-wife, daughter and associates. No new facts about Lenny's life or motivations are revealed in the movie; it's all stuff we already know. Nonetheless, it is a very well made documentary, presenting Lenny as a real person, and for that reason should be viewed by people interested in this influential American.
LJT-2 It seems in this country of ours, so many pay the price. Soldiers lose their lives in wars. Innovators lose their life just living. Lenny Bruce was just a little before my time, and his. I do know one thing, I would have been a fan, I guess you could say I am a fan of Lenny's. I thought he was very smart, funny, and bold. I wonder how much other comedians, such as Carlin, Murphy, and Rock appreciate this man that blazed a path of this raw, wild, new humor. Without him, it makes me wonder, would these other guys put themselves out there like Bruce did? I guess someone would have. Not being the most secure person in the world, he was very secure in what he believed this country of ours was molded to be.
rlynnw This film should not be missed by any Lenny Bruce fans. The incredible archival footage collected here is second to none. The narration is used sparingly to knit the interviews into a seamless presentation of the troubled life of Lenny Bruce.The amount of time and effort that went into this documentary is readily apparent, and well worth it. A must see.If you know who Lenny Bruce is, this film will give you incredible insights into his life and personality from the people who knew him intimately.If you've never heard of Lenny Bruce, prepare to be turned on to a truly unique comic genius.