Legend of the Red Reaper
Legend of the Red Reaper
NR | 01 August 2013 (USA)
Legend of the Red Reaper Trailers

For a thousand years, the Reapers guarded mankind from the demons that wait in the dark. Now, at the beginning of a new age, the Reapers are betrayed and slaughtered. Only one Reaper remains - Red, and she's out to exact revenge.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
wobbledywook If I could, I would give this film a rating of -10 (minus 10).It is truly the worst film I have ever seen. I can't believe anyone could waste their time putting together such garbage.The plot is ridiculous, the casting appalling, and the cinematography is beyond horrible. It was obviously edited by a drunken troll. I can't believe how many times the same bit of footage was repeated; not in one instance, but in far, far too many instances. The film presumes that the viewer is not only stupid, but also blind.The film seems to have been created by a demented third-grader as a deliberate insult to potential viewers.Please, please do not waste you time on this stinking pile of absolutely horrible garbage.As a service to humanity, every single copy should be piled up and burned.
lcanning-77-804152 This is without a doubt the worst film I have ever seen. I purchased it purely based on the DVD case, which is I assume where the 3.8million budget went because it certainly didn't go on the film.The acting was diabolical from the start. I would compare it to the type of acting you might expect of university students, but then that would be doing an injustice to students.The amount of slow-motion used for no good reason is laughable. Where slow-motion wasn't used the same snippets of film were used again and again... If that wasn't bad enough the 'special effects' seemed to consist of making the scene purple, as if a child had just been introduced to Photoshop and was playing with the filters.It's just bad. Don't bother. Really.The review that compares it to an adult film, without the adult content is spot on.P.S. The imagery they have used on the DVD case isn't even in the film!
kimberlymhn I have to admit I've been following the making of this movie for some time and it looked really promising. Considering the huge difficulties the producer/director and star Tara Cardinal went through to bring this production to the screen, I really wanted to like it, but sadly it is quite abysmal. Tara has said in interviews that large amounts of footage were lost due to the ineptitude of the people employed, so to make it up to a feature length we see the same footage being used over and over again. However, as she was the star, director and producer surely she should take responsibility for these mistakes rather than continually blaming others. In a movie of this kind, the weakness of the script, plot and acting could be offset by the action scenes, but the movie contains weak ponderous sword fighting and at times looks like a live action role play convention rather than a movie.Much has been spoken about it being a feminist picture, but even this falls flat. Tara's character spends the whole movie pining over a man who is to marry another woman, gets ordered about by her father, is repeatedly bested in combat by her male trainer and the other women in the movie do virtually nothing. I'm even a little suspicious about the near absence of the scene where Cardinal fought Al Snow while naked. She claims the footage was lost, but I wonder if she deleted the scene because she felt it may have undermined the supposed feminism of the movie? I also have to say something to reviewers here and on other sites who are claiming that this movie is good! - you are seriously not doing Tara Cardinal or yourselves any long term favours, pride of place going to one reviewer who compares Cardinal to Kubrick & Orwell!!! I was lucky I wasn't the one who paid good money to buy this movie on the strength of the glowing early reviews. It was a friend of mine and she's pretty annoyed at how these 'reviewers', who must be either friends or associates of the cast and crew have used IMDb to mislead us! - Legend of the Red Reaper is not 'an instant classic', it's terrible. Reading about how hard Tara Cardinal worked to get this very poor movie onto DVD reminded me so much of an episode of 'Mad Men' where a dopey millionaire comes to the ad agency with piles of cash asking them to market a sport that everyone knows is going to flop. In a rare moment of honesty & compassion, Don Draper tells him something along the lines of 'it's good to have a dream, but not this one'. Somebody should have said the same to Tara Cardinal.
Steve Spink So it seems all previous reviews must have been posted by either questionable sources or associations, because this movie is rubbish.Everything from the plot holes, the screen play, to the terrible acting culminate into a movie I would rather forget! I love medieval, action,horror and many more genres. Unfortunately this seems like it was filmed, acted, produced and directed by some weekend re-enactment lovers. Don't waste your time or intelligence on this. Please don't spend any money or time on this laughable production. You have been warned! I am finding it hard to write ten lines as per the guidelines and wonder why this rule is in place?