| 24 September 2009 (USA)
Lebanon Trailers

During the First Lebanon War in 1982, a lone tank and a paratroopers platoon are dispatched to search a hostile town.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
SnoopyStyle It's June 1982. Israeli forces have invaded Lebanon. The tank's crew is inexperienced and scared. The gunner gets gun shy and troops are killed by gunmen. He then shoots a seemingly innocent man. They encounter a Christian family taken hostage by gunmen and violence ensues. They are hit by a RPG and survive. The Syrian soldier is injured and taken prisoner inside the tank. The tank struggles with malfunctions as they try to survive their mission.This crew is very unprofessional. I can buy that for an army of conscripts. However, it doesn't allow the characters to change over time. They are all incompetent to varying degrees. It feels monotone like one long diatribe. This takes place almost entirely inside the tank. Scenes outside the tank is seen through the targeting sights. The problem there is that it forces the sights to look at the Israeli soldiers or just the section where the action happens. The camera works to make sure you get the point. To put a button on a point, it centers the gun-sight on a picture of the Madonna a second time. It feels fake especially since everybody looks directly at the camera. It's a way for the filmmaker to plead to the audience. This is not a subtle movie. There is a lot of eye work. There has never been more close ups to the eyes. One thing that this movie is great at is to be claustrophobic. The closed setting does limit the actor's movement. It's an interesting idea for an anti-war movie.
tao902 The story told is set during Israel's 1982 war in Lebanon. It is filmed entirely inside an Israeli tank placing us amongst the claustrophobic restrictions and imprisonment that would be experienced by the crew.Young, inexperienced Israeli conscripts operate the tank and find it hard to deal with the horror of war. They witness the carnage wreaked upon many Lebanese civilians and the immoral, brutality of aspects of the Lebanese militia. The soldiers experience the fear of war as their tank becomes stranded in hostile territory. The director took part in the war and the film is therefore semi-autobiographical.
SmokeyTee I had mixed reviews prior to seeing Lebanin and sadly this was a film that lacked in many departments and I am glad I resisted ordering on blu-ray.Situated inside a tank for several claustrophobic days during the Israel-Lebanon war and seen, largely, through the gun sight of the gunner this could have been a tense, gritty film with much in common with submarine films or the decent 80's film The Beast.Some reviews I have read complained about the emotive or manipulative images or events portrayed and I share these sentiments. The camera unnaturally/gun focuses in close up on "evocative" images like corpses, a poster of the virgin mary, more corpses, crying women - the gunner is spends the film watching like a tourist providing the audience with dramatic/tragic scenes in close up. Which feels unnatural, scripted and left myself and other reviewers feeling manipulated.The grime of the tank is palpable and the soldiers become dirtier as they creep further into (or out of) contested territory. This might have been a device designed to reflect the mental state of the soldiers (and interesting) - but the psychological states of the inexperienced and uninteresting crew was beyond us. We just didn't care by the time things got tense.Perhaps if the driver's view, and the commander's, were included instead of just the gunners this might have helped the film. As it was the gunner spent the whole time turning the tank barrel to follow people in close up instead of doing his job and watching for enemies. It felt wack.Viewers that think a camera being shaken in the last word in action and that believe what is put on screen before them is implicitly true and authentic might love this film. The wife gave up at about 30min, I fast forwarded the last 20 min.Get The Beast out or watch Das Boot again instead...
bveysey As a former gunner and commander of tanks in the Canadian Forces I find this movie to be laughable! Let me tell you how it would really work! The tank crew is so highly trained that when orders to fire are received there is no thought involved! The sight picture is obtained and the main gun is fired! If by some reason other than gun malfunction, you refused to fire and placed your tank crew or anyone else at jeopardy, they would haul you out of the tank by your hair and at worst beat the crap out you! And at the very least they would turn you over to the Military Police for court martial, which I assure you would be equal to prison time and kicked out of the forces in disgrace! Also the tank turret is so small there is no room for casualties or prisoners so that is a bit of BS. Further the ready load ammunition for a typical tank is around 20 rounds with another 20 to 30 rounds stored in other ammo bins around the tank, so having only nine rounds avail is crazy and could put your lives in danger! The squabbling and philosophizing would not occur with a highly trained tank crew! To compare this laughable attempt at the portraying of a tank crew to the one of the most definitive and outstanding movies of any war every produced "Daz Boot" is totally laughable and downright stupid! I am glad I did not pay anything to see this pile of you know what and seen it on my "On Demand" channels!