Last Man Standing
Last Man Standing
| 07 June 2011 (USA)
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Abby Collins's quiet life as a wife and mother shows no trace of her past work as a military special-ops expert -- until the day her husband is kidnapped. With no alternative, Abby must resort to her long-dormant lethal skills to save her spouse.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Mark Holloway All through this movie, I was hoping the plot would not be quite so obvious. It was.The acting is wooden.The clichés numerous.The 'special effects' terrible.This movie has few, if any redeeming features.
blanche-2 Catherine Bell stars with Anthony Michael Hall and Mekhi Phifer in "Last Man Standing," a 2011 TV movie, also produced by Bell.Do I need to say it's a Lifetime Movie? It is. It gets points for not being a retread of their stalker movies, wife killer movies, husband killer movies, and two women in love with the same man movies.In this film, Bell plays a former military secret operative, retired, and now a mom with a little girl and a husband (Hall, totally wasted). Suddenly, her life is turned upside down - one of her partners in the military commits suicide, and shortly afterward, her husband is kidnapped. Bell has to go back into her past skill set and do what the kidnappers want, all the time searching for her husband.This wasn't great, though it had some good sequences. I figured out who was behind it practically before I knew what she was ordered to do in order to keep her husband from being killed.The performances were so-so - I frankly don't find Bell that interesting an actress. And one thing I hated was that she and her husband were so nauseatingly lovey-dovey, in order to set the stage that she led this idyllic life.This film is a tiny bit reminiscent of "The Long Kiss Goodnight," a film starring Geena Davis, which is fantastic and highly recommended. Last Man Standing is just okay, but if you're a fan of "Army Wives'" Bell, you will like it a lot more.
guil fisher First of all the leading lady Catherine Bell was so unbelievable that I had to laugh at this little woman knocking out all the men around her, forcing police cars off the road and generally being a pain in the butt. I was laughing at most of the picture. She looked cross eyed most of the time and definitely not an attractive person to watch on a large screen. Why is this actress working? Then the plot was silly and most of the time just boring to watch. Kept turning to another channel for relief. But wanted to see the ending. I just can't get over all of these large men being attacked by her and she the victor. That made this totally unbelievable. I kept wanting someone to catch her and lock her up. But she keeps getting away with breaking the law. What a waste of Anthony Michael Hall. That's it. Dislike this actress.
eldorado80 First, let me say that I love Catherine Bell and make an effort to watch everything she is in. With her as the main character and a very intriguing storyline, I had high expectations going into this movie. I must say, however, that I came away somewhat disappointed with the overall experience.I agree with the previous reviewer who said that the acting was excellent for the most part. Ms. Bell's performance was flawless. She is such a great actress whose talents are sadly under-utilized. How great she would have been in movies like "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and "Salt." The actress whom we all know was cast for the starring roles in those films was clearly unbelievable as the characters she portrayed; Ms. Bell would have been perfect.As for "Last Man Standing," the concept was original and the story was believable, but I must disagree with the previous reviewer's assessment that the writing was excellent. There were four glaring errors or plot holes that for me took much away from the movie as a whole: 1. When Nick said to Abby: "Don't forget to feed Gatsby," why did it take her so long to realize that he was giving her a clue as to how to find him? She totally dismissed it until later seeing a tiger on the TV and then having a revelation. Abby was a very intelligent woman who probably would have gotten the message immediately.2. When her contact told her that her husband's location was a warehouse four miles from the pay phone she was calling from, she immediately hung up and proceeded to go there. How did she know where to go without an address? This could have easily been remedied with a more precise description of the location, and was just sloppy scripting.3. When the man was ordered to kill her husband, why in the world would he place a blindfold on him and then step back 20 feet to take aim before shooting him? This made no sense whatsoever. This, of course, allowed Ms. Bell to come up behind him and tell him to drop his weapon, but the scene could easily have been written to play out in a more realistic manner.4. When the second man came back to check on her husband, he realized that something was amiss and said, "Where's your blindfold?" How did he know that there ever was a blindfold?Nitpicking? Maybe, but these are mistakes that a more experienced writer would never have made and could easily have been averted. Nevertheless, if you like Catherine Bell, watch this movie. If you can overlook a few amateur writing mistakes, you will enjoy it.
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