Last Days Here
Last Days Here
NR | 29 April 2011 (USA)
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Documentary follows Bobby Liebling, lead singer of seminal hard rock/heavy metal band Pentagram, as he battles decades of hard drug addiction and personal demons to try and get his life back.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
remarksman I saw Robert Oscar Liebling and Pentagram in Socorro, New Mexico in 1974 -- just before I separated from the military. They'd boarded a bus somewhere in Pennsylvania headed for Secaucus, New Jersey, but a couple of them apparently were ticket-impaired so they all ended up in Socorro. Which worked out for me and the lads as we were based nearby and the sergeant announced their show at morning roll-call.They played Tito's Tortilla Station in Socorro, which sounds funky but was actually a nice little restaurant with decent acoustics. A great show, but NOTHING like Bobby's final performance in the documentary. Dood it moved me to tears, to laughter, even did some snickering. His lyrics sunk into my forehead like a rock outta the hand of King David. And I haven't been free of those haunting, marvelous verses since. Nor of the occasional headache.Robert Oscar Liebling was, clearly, the most overlooked major talent in American music, and this no-punches-pulled documentary makes mockery of the critics and music halls who fail to book Robert in, who thought him washed-up and just another crackshack. Instead, as the final performance showed, Robert had EVOLVED so far ahead of them that they cannot fathom his generous and hallowed offerings. But the critics, and club owners, and corporations shall be put to shame in the future, when the songwriting and performing wonders of Robert Oscar Liebling finally . . . finally are committed to Eternity, so that others in their own time may come upon his unique music, and be reborn in their own hope of triumph over a cruel world and against tremendous odds.Inspiring documentary. We love you Bobby! Middle-finger forever baby! Thank you Robert! You'll never know exactly how much you've given us. I mean, how could you. You still have to count your fingers and toes.But, all good. All good. The music still shines!
juneebuggy I'm not into heavy Metal music but I couldn't tear my eyes away from this. A bit like a car wreck, it's harrowing yet hopeful as we watch former Pentagram frontman Bobby Liebling battle addiction, depression, disappointment and heartbreak while attempting a late (late) career comeback. Bobby and his band actually never got a contract back in the day as he was an addict even at their beginnings.When we join him he's living in his aged parents basement and doing crack and meth continuously. He looks ancient, skinny and close to death. One of his fans tries to help him get a new contract and kick a lifelong habit.This is where the documentary surprised me, watching Bobby clean up and get a new (young) girlfriend and head out on the road, touring. She describes him as being developmentally stunted, and its true its like he was still living in the late 70's because he's been high for so long. There is some suspense involved as you keep wondering if he will make it or not. 04.28.14
charlottevgl This documentary ripped my heart out, stomped on it, glued it back together, put it back in, made it beat again - and Then did that whole procedure all over again! Its raw, its real and its larger than life. Sometimes you come across stories that touches you beyond belief, although you are just an observer you cry and laugh like you yourself is the one going through what you are watching. I love Bobby Liebling now for giving me perspective and strength!At first I was skeptical because I'm not a big rock-fan, but from the very beginning I understood that it was going to be much more than just a music-documentary. In fact, even though the music is the fundamental reason it was made in the first place that is not what moves you or what makes your lips tremble and your skin crawl all at ones. Bobby Liebling has lived in the basement of his parents house for decades. With everyday sitting on his couch either with a crack-pipe in his mouth or a needle in his arm. He believes that termites live underneath his skin and daily he wants to do nothing other than to die. Already this is heartbreaking and you really feel for the sorry bastard. But the fact that at one on point in his life he could have become one of the greats in the rockworld, with his unique voice, understanding for the music genre, with his unbelievable performances on stage and his dedication to rock it only makes it that much sadder. We follow Bobby and his friends who are trying to assemble this broken man to make a new album and with that some sort of comeback. And while this seems like a mission impossible, Bobby really is trying his best to cut the album, but with many setbacks and the fact that Bobby is a junkie, all of everybody's efforts may fall through. But life is full of surprises and sometimes even in the darkest places a little ray of beautiful shining light makes it's way through.This documentary makes you think and reflect on life and how precious and fragile it is. It awakes sympathy and love for people around you. And at least for me it reminded me about the fact to continue to not judge and look down on anybody, because you never know their story and what makes them do what they do. Watch this documentary, it is one of the best!
crossbow0106 I am not a fan of Pentagram, I have barely heard of them. However, I barely heard of Anthrax and thought that documentary was superb. That film was about a band soldiering on, ad midst a mostly apathetic public. This is the story of a broken wreck of a man named Bobby Liebling, someone who actually is doing drugs on film. Thankfully, he seems more coherent as the film goes on, to the point where you can understand him. Even if you think of him as a drug addled loser (this is not disrespect, watch the film), you want him to clean up and succeed. This film at first had no meaning to me, but it is the story of a second act. another chance. The best thing about the film are the interviews, as they are not with musical legends, but people who love him. You can see their frustration, but you also see the caring. I wish him well. The film is good, not in the echelon of the Anthrax and Rush documentaries, but worth watching.