Last Breath
Last Breath
R | 08 June 2010 (USA)
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A husband and wife, whose marriage is built on shifting sand, find themselves imprisoned by a sadistic killer - forced to make choices that will ultimately determine their family's survival or demise.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Leofwine_draca Users seem to be praising this cheapo horror/thriller for its style and above-average direction, but I didn't see any of that. I just saw a cheap, home invasion style thriller mixed with slasher and torture porn elements in the tale of a married couple who are imprisoned and forced to play games by a psychotic killer.LAST BREATH is very cheaply made with barely a script to speak of. Certainly there's little dialogue of note with most of the cast either shouting or screaming their lines. Thus the film quickly becomes a gruelling viewing experience for all the wrong reasons. This is the kind of film I forgot I watched a mere hour or so after viewing, so be warned that you're in for a disappointing time.
ryan-balock If anything, Last Breath is a true testament to what independent film should be. On a shoestring budget, Ty Jones brings a crisp, well-developed story beautifully shot and confidently acted. I encourage everyone to catch the special features too look behind the scenes to get a feel for how sincerely excited the crew is to be working on this well-crafted film.For fans of creepy movies, Last Breath delivers. For fans of couples' drama, Last Breath delivers. For fans of the thriller genre with twists and turns, Last Breath delivers.For young directors and producers, Last Breath is an excellent how-to that can help you achieve your own dreams.
tmufic Can't say enough positive things about this film. Ty, Aaron and Mandy put their hearts and soul into it, and you can see it in every second of the movie. I'm not a big horror film person, and could live with less blood, but they make you understand the bigger message: Little things mean a lot -- and we all need to pay more attention to that as we go along with our daily lives. Kudos to the entire cast and crew who put their blood, sweat and tears into making such a first-rate film -- they did an outstanding job and I'm so pleased to see it get the recognition it deserves!! Really nice to have it all Kansas City based, too -- glad to see some very talented Midwest folks received well deserved praise :)
ledaandtheswan Ty Jones hits the mark on capturing two important (read: valuable!) demographics, a halcyon-day-dreaming, stressed-out mom and her guts-and-cuss-loving teenage son. I am talking about me and my 15 year – old. Who knew a movie could capture the passionate heart and soul-crushing pain of both? Searching for a movie we both could enjoy,I never dreamed it would be at the intersection of this blood/slasher–cum-morality flick. Ty Jones manages to engage two normally mutually exclusive yet parallel existences to show that families can live in a world that can be either heaven or hell. The choice is completely ours.