Lady Whirlwind
Lady Whirlwind
R | 04 May 1973 (USA)
Lady Whirlwind Trailers

A young woman determines to help a man who is being pursued by gangsters, so that she would have the pleasure of killing him herself as revenge for causing the death of her sister.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Woodyanders Tien (Angela Mao, as fierce and magnetic as ever) arrives in town to exact revenge on Ling (a solid and likable performance by Yi Chang) for abandoning her pregnant sister and thus driving said sister to commit suicide. Although Tien agrees to help Ling take down the leader of a local gambling syndicate, she nonetheless still plans to avenge her sister's death which she holds Ling responsible for. Director Feng Huang, working from a taut and compelling script by Yi-chung Hua, relates the absorbing story at a quick pace and stages the rousing rough'n'tumble fights with brutal'n'bloody brio. Naturally, Mao handles her martial arts fights with characteristic poise and agility as she mixes it up with a bunch of guys all at once. Sammo Hung plays a sniveling thug who Mao beats the living snot out of. Moreover, the strong theme about honor and revenge along with a surprising element of compassion gives this picture additional depth and substance, with an especially unexpected, yet still satisfying conclusion. Joseph Koo's spirited score and Yu-tang Li's dynamic cinematography are both up to par. Recommended viewing for Mao fans.
gavin6942 "Miss Tien, thank you for saving me." "Forget it. I just didn't want somebody else to kill you!" This film was directed by Huang Feng (who made 18 films in the 1970s alone), and stars Angela Mao. Not sure if Mao is well known outside of martial arts circles (probably not), but she probably should be -- why let Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee get all the credit? Although I know very little about the martial arts film genre, I feel like this might be one worth seeing. If for no other reason than the fact that literally everyone is kung fu fighting -- there are hardly any scenes without a dozen guys trying to defeat Lady Whirlwind (and losing).
ebiros2 This is a Golden Harvest movie starring Angela Mao. One thing to note is that early Golden Harvest movies had very good quality, and it is recommended that whenever possible, they should be viewed in remastered DVD. The difference between the original and the faded copy is like night and day, and drastically changes the viewing experience.Released in the United States as Deep Thrust, the shabby title doesn't do justice to the action contained in this movie. Angela Mao explodes with her signature moves in this movie. Did she learn new style of martial arts within a year of making this movie ? It seems likely as her previous movie "Hapkido", and this movie has drastically different level of moves compared to her earlier movies.This movie, Hapkido, and When Tae Kwon Do Strikes all has similar looks and feel to the story and appearances. Anti-Japanese sentiment is strong on all three movies, but this is probably due to the bombastic success of Fist of Fury starring Bruce Lee from a year earlier. the scene where Bruce Lee destroys the sign that says "No dogs and Chinese allowed" really caught on at the time.This movie is a step down in production for some reason from the previous "Hapkido", and looks almost like a Shaw Brothers film. The good is as mentioned earlier, Angela Mao's moves are fantastic in this movie, and she was in the height of her beauty in 1972. It would have been better if there were more of Angela Mao's action in this movie, but even as it is, it's still a very good kung fu movie, and is recommended for viewing.
gridoon2018 "Lady Whirlwind" AKA "Deep Thrust" is a little better than another Angela Mao film released by the same company that I saw recently, "Deadly China Doll", because Angela is indeed one of the two main characters here and has several fight scenes. The bad news is, her and everybody else's fight scenes are generally mediocre, often spoiled by poor editing and ludicrous wirework. The good news is, Angela brings a relentless aggression to them that few other female stars can match. More good news: her character is a little more complex than usual for this genre - she begins as a revenge-obsessed woman but gradually becomes more compassionate. More bad news: it's exactly this compassion that doesn't allow her to have a climactic fight scene. A watchable but forgettable film on the whole. Gotta love the stolen score notes from "Diamonds Are Forever", though! (**)