Laddu Babu
Laddu Babu
| 18 April 2014 (USA)
Laddu Babu Trailers

Laddu Babu is the story of a fat man, who tries to find a partner for marriage!

Clevercell Very disappointing...
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Srinath NK Now, whenever there is a film on 'fat' people, usually all jokes are centered around that character. While it does work well for a while, this tried and tested formula tends to get tedious after a point.Unfortunately, not only do they crack jokes on 'fat' people, but they also make fun of people with various disabilities which is in bad taste. They also try to make fun of inseparable twins which is quite gross.And even if one were to set apart the above-mentioned scenes, the rest of the film has nothing much to hold the attention of the audience.For most part, the film shows how Laddu Babu is rejected by people. And once the main story begins, the audiences are already aware of what is to come. So, there is no curiosity element to hold their attention.One cannot help but notice Ravi Babu's lack of seriousness from the way he shows Laddu Babu losing oodles of fat and putting it on almost immediately. With one surgery Laddu Babu loses all his fat and immediately afterwards, he drinks a bottle of ghee and he gets back to his old, 'fat' self.Interestingly, in the entire film, the only interesting scene is labeled 'deleted' and shown along with the credits. Actually, the director who is known to experiment with his films should have tried it the other way round. He should have retained that one interesting scene, and labeled the rest of the film as 'deleted' and run it along with rolling titles.Well, the film tries to drive home the message that when hit by bad times, one must remember all the good times that life had offered. So, one tip for all those planning to watch Laddu Babu is – Go into the theater, close your eyes and remember any comic film of Naresh and come out. And those wanting to give it a miss in theaters, then wait for it to be telecast on the small screen. You have nothing to miss!Bottomline: Really Boring Babu! Watch it only for time-pass or if you want to kill 137 minutes.