La Jetée
La Jetée
NR | 17 October 2013 (USA)
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A man is sent back and forth and in and out of time in an experiment that attempts to unravel the fate and the solution to the problems of a post-apocalyptic world during the aftermath of WW3. The experiment results in him getting caught up in a perpetual reminiscence of past events that are recreated on an airport’s viewing pier.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
framptonhollis Legendary documentary filmmaker Chris Marker's most famous and praised work is not a documentary in the slightest; instead, it is "La Jetee", a powerful philosophical sci-fi drama clocking in at just 28 minutes and composed almost entirely of still photographs. Featuring mind bending concepts, tragic outcomes, iconic visuals, and a thought provoking narration, these photographs come together to create an experience comprised of melancholic beauty. Tears flowing down your cheeks, a chill creeping up your spine; get used to these feeling while watching "La Jetee" because you may start to feel them a lot!While engaged in this brilliant avant garde experience, the audience is cast away into a post apocalypse made up of depression, confusion, curiosity, and advanced experimental technology. This film presents a quest made up of romance, drama, and futuristic tech, but it contains NONE of the cliché traits one could expect from said genres. Instead, it is an atmospheric mood piece that lights up the screen with its originality and original style. It is all the better for its radical experimentation of the cinematic platform, twisting of audience expectation, and subversion of genre tropes. I hesitate to even label this as merely a science fiction film or a drama or a love story, because it really is not a film that wants to be categorized; instead, it wants to be explored and absorbed. This film is not some cool, futuristic sci-fi flick, instead it is a work of poetry, philosophy, feeling, sensuality, tragedy, and mystery. It is a cold, dense, and jaw dropping work of unstoppable genius.
Musashi94 At first, it doesn't seem like a non-documentary film composed entirely of still images and voice-over narration should work. Yet La Jetee not only succeeds, it overcomes its avant-garde background to become a great science fiction film that can appeal even to people who are not necessarily fans of experimental work.Chris Marker, who is in fact best known for his documentary work, has a remarkable eye for composition. All of the images that make up the are beautifully staged and composed. The lighting in particular is wonderful, the blacks and whites have a wonderful contrast with each other. The transitions also feel natural and the zooms and pans help give a sense of movement that avoids the risk of becoming monotonous. This makes you feel as though you're watching an actual moving picture as opposed to just a series of still images. The choral music throughout is also well used and gives the images a haunting atmosphere.In addition to looking fantastic and keeping the viewer's interest, the film also has many profound themes regarding time and memory. The main premise of the film is that a shadowy organization in a post-World War III world are trying to send prisoners back in time in order to save the future. In actuality, they are training them s they can send the prisoners to the future so thy can bring back advanced technology before disposing of them. Such a premise lends itself to many rich interpretations about the structure of society and the cost of human progress.The matter of the protagonist's relationship with a woman from the past also has a transcendent quality with its explorations of memory and its relationship with time and human desire. The fact that such a short film that, admittedly omits most of the details, is a sign of great film-making. The fact that there is so much to analyze about near0universal themes presented in an entertaining experimental fashion makes La Jetee a film that film buffs should seek out.
Miles-10 This modest little film, made up almost entirely of still photography (there is one brief sequence of motion which you will miss if you blink), also happens to be the inspiration for the film and television series "Twelve Monkeys". This I did not realize when I started watching it recently for the first time. Only at the end did I realize that it is the same concept as "Twelve Monkeys" and suddenly remembered hearing that "Monkeys" is based on a 1960s French film.This "movie" (its "movement" is truly illusory even if it is an effective illusion) is affecting and the denouement is worth waiting for (and, besides, the whole piece is only 28 minutes long).The title, "La Jetee", has interesting connotations. The literal meaning of this title is "The Pier", but the average English speaker might not know that airport architecture uses this term, which is taken over from seaports. You usually see signs for "terminals" and not "piers" in airports, but "pier" is more or less what is meant by "terminal" even though there is supposed to be a difference between the two terms. What is interesting historically is that because the film was made in the early 1960s, the pier at Orly Airport, which is near Paris, is an open-air pier where both passengers and their well-wishers can watch the planes load and unload both baggage and passengers. This is no longer possible because terminals now tend to be entirely enclosed and only passengers are allowed to reach the departure point. In more ways than one, watching this movie is a kind of time travel. In it, the pivotal scene takes place outdoors whereas, by the time "Twelve Monkeys" was made in the 1990s, the scene had to be done inside an airport terminal. Also, in the first scene, if you look at the airport tarmac as viewed from the pier, you will see planes with the tail-markings of two airlines that no longer exist, TWA (ceased doing business in 2001) and PanAm (ceased in 1991).
Alexander Brotman La Jetee is the best kind of film, the kind that makes you remember why you fell in love with movies in the first place. Hauntingly beautiful, eerie beyond belief yet sincere and fragile, every scene is a masterpiece. The sequence when the woman is in bed and her eyes blink is one of my personal favorites. Between the music and the daylight scenes at the museum when you are taken out of the experimenter's room, it is easy to forget this movie is post-apocalyptic. There is nothing I find scary, in part because it is so well crafted and has to be the most meticulous 27 minutes ever put on film. Chris Marker may not be well known but La Jetee will always deserve a spot among the best in cinema.