| 05 May 2006 (USA)
Kiwi! Trailers

The story of a Kiwi who spends his whole life working towards achieving his dream.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
visavismeyou This short is 11 years old and is one of the most profound works I've ever seen. The stunning juxtaposition of sincere happiness at an achievement followed by the utter desolation of realizing the Kiwi's life goal results in his complete destruction. This momento mori crescendos in subtleties known only in masterpieces with the ease and simplicity of a cartoon. Without uttering a single line, this short transmits the full range of delight to despair within seconds. I cannot rate this high enough.
Horst in Translation ( This very short animation piece by writer-director Dony Permedi is quite a thing of beauty. Probably one of my absolute favorite films with a running time of 3 minutes. It really doesn't get better for such a running time. The first minute you may probably ask yourself what is going on exactly until you finally realize what the little kiwi is up to with all his crafting.The flying sequence is nothing short of brilliant and delivers on all levels emotionally, especially when we see the shutting of the eyes and the tear of joy in the corner of the bird's eye. He has paid and will pay a huge prize, but it's his lifelong dream coming true. I had one as well and after seeing this early effort from Permedi, it's quite a shame that, seven years later, he hasn't directed any other movie. From the merely technical perspective, this film is also a great example how much of an effect a simple 90°-camera turn can have. He seems to have great touch and with the quality of animation these days, it's always the story and emotional impact thereof that makes the movie. I'm sure this man could bring both to the table.
MrVibrating This wonderful little animation is the sweetest, cutest and most emotionally engaging little movie you'll see in months.The animation is simplistic, and works really well. The score, the same. The cuteness is not overdone, and works just perfectly. Check it out on Youtube and enjoy. There is really not much to say about it, just watch it and love it.Almost brings a tear to my cynical eye, which doesn't happen every day!Check it out today and be a little happier...what more can I say? 10-line rule go to hell, more comments than this ruins it!
bob the moo A small, flightless kiwi makes the finishing touches to a lifetime of work as he prepares to fulfil his one, overriding ambition and dream.I shan't really get into the plot but it does become apparent what the dream is and how it is to be achieved very quickly within this film. Then the dream is fulfilled and before you know it the film is over. To simply say what it is about risks it sounding obvious and corny and would rather take away from the strength of delivery from Permedi. Overegging the cake would have ruined the story by pushing the emotion too much but by having everything simplistic, it comes over as much more genuine and quite touching.The kiwi is a visually limited character but this doesn't matter so much because where Permedi is not able to bring us Pixar quality graphics, what is brought out is a character. The idea is sweet and immediately tells us of a simple goal and a lifetime of work towards it with dedication and hard work. The actual dream is delivered with no overblown delivery but rather with a single tear, which makes it all the more touching for the viewer.A simple short film perhaps but one that benefits from this approach as the restraint shown in not pushing the emotion and allowing the viewer to be touched by the wider idea rather than a specific musical score, camera shot or other technique.