NR | 16 October 1945 (USA)
Kitty Trailers

Pickpocket Kitty's life changes when painter Thomas Gainsborough makes her portrait. The artwork gains the attention of Sir Hugh Marcy, who later decides to use her for his benefit.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
aeo My three friends and I watched this movie and we all enjoyed it, however, we disagreed whether the ending hurt the overall quality of this movie. I felt that Kitty's last minute decision to go with Hugh rather than Brett was not realistic. If this movie was made presently, Kitty would have chosen Brett instead of Hugh. That is why I give it 7 out of 10 stars even though as I write this, maybe this movie should deserve a 6 instead. One other friend agreed with me while the other two felt that the ending was "just right." I thought that the movie could have been 2 hours long instead of 101 minute in order to elaborate on some characters like show Kitty when she was young perhaps. But that is what makes this movie so good in that you want it to be longer in order to see more of your favorite characters. Themovie begins in 1783 where Kitty lives in a terrible section of London. She is an indentured servant of Old Meg who makes her steal things for a living. One day, she tries to steal the shoes off of a man named Thomas but gets caught. Thomas is a noted painter and decides to "clean her up" and paint her portrait. While painting her, two men drop by, Brett and Hugh. They both see Kitty and is enamored with her but Brett is on his way to India so Hugh tries his luck. After her portrait is finished, Thomas let her go, whereupon Hugh gives her a ride in his coach. During the ride, he discovers who she really is and feels sorry for her so he makes her his servant. However, it is soon shown that he and his aunt, Lady Susan Dowitt, whom he lives with, are both in debt.During a gallery showing of Thomas painting, Kitty's portrait called the "Anonymous Lady" is getting rave reviews and powerful and rich men want to know who this woman is. It is at this time that Hugh gets the idea to make a "lady" out of Kitty and have her marry a rich aristocrat, especially Duke of Malmunster, in order to alleviate his finances. Hugh and Susan begin to train Kitty but it is very difficult. One day, Hugh's neighbor Selby sees Kitty and is taken aback by her. Kitty is introduced as a relative to Hugh. Selby is a rich merchant but is of the wrong class so Hugh does not want to marry Kitty to him. That changes when Hugh is sent to debtor's prison. Kitty marries Selby in order to use the dowry money to free Hugh. Soon though, Hugh goes into debt again and Susan ask Kitty for money. Kitty ask Selby for money. He ask what it is for and she states it is to buy things but only gives 5 pounds from his lock wooden box. When Selby is gone, she breaks into the box and gets more money but Selby's housekeeper sees that and reports it to Selby. Selby confronts Kitty but she denies it. He begins to threaten her and she loses her composure and reverts back to her Cockney accent. Selby sees he has been lied to and begins to beat Kitty in order to get the truth out of her when another made helps Kitty by striking Selby with an object and killing him. The maid then commits suicide. Kitty is now a wealthy widow.Kitty is in love with Hugh and makes this known to Susan. Susan is sympathetic. Hugh tells them Kitty is going to marry Duke of Malmunster. Susan is against it but Kitty agrees because she loves Hugh even though Kitty and Susan never tells him. Unknown to all but Susan and Kitty, Kitty is pregnant with Selby's child. After Kitty is married to very old Duke of Malmunster, she announces she is pregnant. Duke of Malmunster believes he is the father. A male heir is born and right after, Duke of Malmunster dies. She is now not only a duchess but also very wealthy. Hugh ask for a castle and Kitty gives it to him. After a series of conversation, Kitty professes her love for him and the reason why she did all this was because she loved him. However, Hugh cannot believe Kitty is serious because he never thought of her as nothing but a "guttersnipe." They argue and smack each other in the face and do not see each other for awhile. Hugh's friend Brett comes back from India and sees Kitty in an event and courts her. Soon they are to be married. Kitty and Brett goes to Thomas to see another painting of Kitty but Hugh is there and make condescending remarks to Kitty so she leaves. Thomas tells Hugh to leave Kitty alone because while Hugh may see Kitty as a guttersnipe, however, Kitty is truly now a lady. Hugh now sees he was wrong and goes to Kitty to stop the wedding and profess his love to Kitty but she states it is too late. Hugh threatens her but Kitty does not care. On the eve of the wedding, Hugh brings Old Meg and confronts this fact to both Kitty and Brett. Kitty admits to everything and tells Brett it is OK if he does not want to marry her but Brett does not care and wants to marry her. Hugh admits defeat and sees Kitty is the better person and tells her he will stay out her life. As Hugh is leaving, it dawns on Kitty that she still loves Hugh so she goes after him and they kiss. The End.
allans-7 I can add little more to the other comments that have been made. This is a fantastic movie and well worth a proper DVD release - it is superior to a lot of other stuff that is commercially available. I'm sure its relatively low IMDb rating is because so few people have seen it.The acting is superb (my favourite being Cecil Kellaway's Gainsborough), the art direction and period recreation exquisite, and Mitchell Leisen keeps the story moving right along. The script has absorbing dramatic moments counterbalanced by humour (especially Kitty's training as a lady). An especially good moment is the Duke of Malmunster's reaction to the birth of his first born and his walk along the corridor/stairs which is inspired direction.A true 1940s classic.
drogers-11 Paulette Goddard deserves to have this movie seen and enjoyed, and so do we. She was a charming actress, and this film gave her a chance to show it. Ray Milland is also a very charming cad. It's been too long since I've seen it, on TV when I was much younger, but I remember how much I liked it. For years I think I had it confused with FOREVER AMBER, but I was able to get ahold of that film on VHS a couple of years ago, and was greatly disappointed--I thought it sure wasn't as good as I remembered. It wasn't until I happened upon KITTY while looking at films done by Paulette, whom I also loved in REAP THE WILD WIND, that I realized I was disappointed by AMBER because it was not KITTY. Well, so it goes. Come on, whoever owns the Paramount vault, dig into it. And look at other Mitchell Leisen films too, like HOLD BACK THE DAWN, TO EACH HIS OWN, and LADY IN THE DARK (which I don't think I've seen but would love to). He is one of the great UNDISCOVERED directors.Give us DVDs--PLEEEEZE.leisen
guil fisher This film was a wonderful tribute to Paulette Goddard's looks and abilities. At the top of her career, she proves that she is one of Hollywood's most glamorous enduring stars. In this film she plays a guttersnipe that is chosen by Gainsborough (played wonderfully by Cecil Kellaway) to have her portrait painted in typical Gainsborough fashion. As she poses for him two handsome dandies stop by for a visit, only to be bewitched by her beauty, thinking she is of noble birth, much to Kellaway's amusement. Upon learning the truth, Ray Milland, trains Kitty to head for bigger prey, hoping to make himself rich, as he is living way over his means. Of course, she falls in love with him. Along the way to fame, Kitty becomes a Duchess and goes her own way to success, even though she still loves Milland. In the end, love wins out. A wonderful performance is also given by Constance Collier as Milland's drunken lady friend in conspiracy. The scene when she is introduced to the waif Goddard and is reposing, drunk in her bed, is hysterical. 5 stars to this one. Goddard never looked lovelier. In fact,I have an original color poster from the film. A vintage collection I am quite proud of.