Kiss The Bride
Kiss The Bride
R | 16 October 2002 (USA)
Kiss The Bride Trailers

Sibling drama overshadows the impending nuptials of Danni Sposato and her longtime boyfriend, Geoff Brancato. Television actress Niki brings her manager-boyfriend, Marty, to meet the family for the first time, while spiky youngest sister Toni shows off her bandmate and lover, Amy, and driven Wall Street banker Chrissy flashes the status symbols of her financial success.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
yespat This film is shockingly bad. A complete waste of life. Don't make the same mistake I did by watching it. The actors were bad, the music was bad, the story was worse than anything else. It was put together like a high school project. Shocking how bad this film is. One of the worst I've ever seen. I cannot understand how it got any favorable reviews.It felt like a really bad B movie. The dialogue was completely contrived and predictable. The syrupy sweet family scenes are so unrealistically wonderful that their unreality is grating. And I wonder how many families siblings are all stunningly beautiful and highly economically successful---aka Rich Rich Rich? It's the kind of movie that insults one's intelligence over and over. It is completely brain dead and useless. Save yourself from this mess.
letrptjohn I rented three DVDs the other night and saw "Kiss the Bride" sitting on the shelf with plenty of available copies. I grabbed one because it was there. I thought it would be a funny wedding movie my wife would like to see. I put off watching it until I had seen the other two "great works of art" I had rented."Kiss the Bride" is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It is perfection. Anyone that has ever had a Mom or a Dad, sister, brother, or came from a "family" will find themselves somewhere in this movie. The cast is outstanding. The "well-known" and the "unknown" together. Vanessa Parise should be, or will be, a very powerful voice in the film industry. I hope she has the same budget for her next film. Lack of funds makes creativity the only means to a great film. She is very creative. Don't give any more money. She doesn't need it. There isn't one wasted moment in the entire movie. It's great, start to finish.
rosanahermann As I watched the movie I noticed there was something really wrong about it. The script, the casting, the cuts. So, as I checked on imdb to find out who wrote it. Well, Vanessa Parise wrote it, produced it, directed and acted in this...autobiographycal ego-trip trash. Maybe the title should be "all about myself, according to myself"
wrightsarah7 Kiss the Bride is a special film because it is excellent on different levels. First, it's just fun to watch. The story immediately caught my interest and then managed to hold it without falter throughout the whole film. I had to know what was going to happen to each character. The side stories, interesting and honest family relationships, and personal struggles of each character gave this movie depth. By the end, I wanted to see another Vanessa Parise film about each member of the family.On another plane, Kiss the Bride made me analyze human nature, families, and most of all the relationship between what we are as individuals and what we are as parts of a family. Each sister strives to achieve her personal goals while at the same time she works hard at eliciting a certain reaction from her family. The feelings and displays of anger, misunderstanding, frustration, fear, and ultimately love that this individual/family struggle call forth are so honest and true that many times I was deeply touched.The gorgeous setting in the beach side town of Watch Hill, RI made this film even better. The costuming was perfectly done as well. It aided in the development of each sister's distinct personality right from the outset. The director captured the constant motion, energy, and culture of this Italian-American family with scenes of gorgeous meals, impromptu songs sung by family members, and emotionally heated discussions. All of these characteristics made the mood palpable.I laughed a lot in this movie and shed some tears as well. The story and the characters were very real to me and I could relate my life as a thirty year old strongly to those of the sisters in Kiss the Bride. Vanessa Parise has a gift for bringing out those confusing and conflicted feelings we all have about ourselves and our loved ones.