Kingdom of Gladiators
Kingdom of Gladiators
| 27 January 2011 (USA)
Kingdom of Gladiators Trailers

A king makes a pact with an ancient demon and after years of ruling his kingdom in peace, the demon has come to collect. Now a group of rival gladiators must fight for the survival of the kingdom.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
erendiz Terrible. It's just terrible! God! It's... I'm sure it's not a movie. It's just... A big pile of crap. There are lots and lots and lots off better stuff out there. Please don't waste your time with this thing. It is the worst acting, worst directing, worst editing, worst of all cinematic etc. Oh Christ! What was that camera shaking constantly?! Are they try to cover all that scum going on in the screen? God!! I can't even say it's just amateur, 'cause there are a lot of good stuff in amateur movies, and this thing is just plain crap. Awful, awful crap...
Tiw Lado It is a rare gem. B-Movie with sword-fighting boobies and hot villain in it. What else would you want for "so-bad-that-its-good" type of thing? Apparently nothing, but the director put incredible effort to make it unwatchable.Movie starts with a king (who looks more like aged, retired postman (No offense to the honest postmen)) sitting in a field moaning about all the sins he have committed. He asks God for forgiveness, but all he gets is creature in a cape who is supposed to sound scary. Creature proposes deal to the king and before the latter answers anything, creature seals the deal.Bad, bad, cheater creature with a cape.Now the postman... sorry, his highness postman, has to give all his children to the bad, bad, cheater creature with a cape, but apparently decides to cheat too with her daughter Luna.Years after, His highness Mr. Cheater Postman celebrates something with annual gladiatorial fights, when suddenly her HOT lost daughter arrives.Then there is CGI-blood, female gladiator with big bottom, big breast and big head, something waking up, ugly woman warning the king about curse, more CGI-blood, bad fighting scenes, bad sex scene and ending credits.It INDEED is one of the worst movies ever made in any country.
mike-ryan455 First, I will tell what was good. The backdrop was some really spectacular country. A huge castle, a beautiful lake, wonderful meadows and mountains.That was the high point. From there, it all went down hill really fast. I barely could discern a plot. There was a lot of very poorly slashing and hacking by people who couldn't act.There was no "gladiatorial" combat. That was a very specific tradition of fighting. I don't even know why they used the word.A movie like this that teases you with "sensual" needs to have some good get down naked by the end. They didn't.It was like the guy got access to the castle for a weekend and got his buddies to come in and shoot the movie. They wanted to make a Conan movie but what came off was a confusing mess.
Doug C This is the reason I stopped working in Hollywood, amazingly awful movies like this. Please never watch it other than to realize what happens when you shot a film and no one on set has a clue what they are doing.Please whoever made this film bury it and go find something worth while to do like ride a bicycle.There is absolutely not even one shred of acting, directing or cinematography here. a monkey hanging upside down blindfolded would be better.Thank you for wasting my time.