Kingdom Come
Kingdom Come
PG | 11 April 2001 (USA)
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When her husband keels over from a stroke, Raynelle Slocumb calls the entire clan together to remember their dearly departed. Family tensions reach a comedic boil as the wildly dysfunctional Slocumbs squabble and fight their way to the funeral.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
MovieMusings In watching this film, I at first wanted to choke on the stereotypical black depictions - the patient quiet matriarch with the belligerent husband; the dysfunctional family with all kinds of problems; the early 20s male with no ambition; the single mothers struggling to make something of their kids without the connections to move them along; the alcohol-related problems; the young people playing adults before they're really ready, pumping out babies etc., etc.Then, I saw through it, and really appreciated an unglamorous "real" family with real-life problems (those issues do exist, whether they are taken on by or inflicted upon people). Whoopie Goldberg plays the straight character this time, while everyone around her is crazy. Her first-born kind of keys in on this quiet strength and reluctantly has to stand up despite his own issues and attempt to bring some semblance of order to the proceedings.MattyMatt4ever's review can provide plenty more insight into why this film works. I can't go so far as to say it's must-see material, but if you are reading these reviews because you were thinking of watching it, then I'd say the negative reviews may mislead you more than the positive reviews - no movie is for everyone, but this film is, in my opinion, much better than the negative reviews might suggest. I quite enjoyed and appreciated it, and would never feel I wasted my money in renting it, or my time in watching it.
madeline779 Well, from the little press I saw regarding this movie when it first came out, I'll admit I wasn't running to the theater. (I wasn't even running to the video store.) However, when it came on HBO recently, my sister told me to sit down and watch it, to compare it to our family.This movie was almost scary in how closely it mimicked our gatherings (especially funerals, but all gatherings in general). I really felt like the writers knew us, as they hit several depictions right on the head.The Slocums are more the typical Black family than most movies will show nowadays--sure there are a few people who lose their way now and again, but family brings them back around. (What family isn't slightly dysfunctional anyway? It just makes family gatherings more amusing. Heck--my family even has the three holy-terror-boys who run around every gathering destroying everything.)I'm not going to say that the acting was outstanding, or the script completely original because it wasn't. THE SCRIPT WAS REALISTIC, THOUGH. It wasn't original because anyone could have sat through a funeral in their family and copied things word for word. I do recommend this movie. The last minute is a little cheesy, but hey, the rest of the movie works so well that you accept it. There weren't any unnecessary curses, gratuitous violence or sex. It was just a movie about family. What is more real than that?This is the ultimate feel-good movie because you feel like it is real. Some movies are just too contrived, but I had to smile to myself at the end of this movie. It shows how the strength of your family helps you cope and heal together.
Perry Mercer (Blackace) This movie has good intentions, but falls a little short due to the execution of the plot. I'm not going to go into the whole storyline, as by now you probably already know. What I do want to say is it's good to have a decent black movie make it to the theater and do fairly well. Besides Soul Food, this is the only other feel good black family movie that has been released in the last 5 years. It's a shame it didn't do that well at the box office. It could be because of the nature of the film or the lackluster storyline. Whatever the case may be, it was worth watching at least once. There are some very funny parts in this film and the acting was decent. I was surprised to see Toni Braxton in this film. She actually did a pretty good job. LL Cool J needs to find his nitch. I think he's still looking for it. I liked him in Deep Blue Sea, but Rollerball was a mess. Whoopie only had a small part, but she really helped the movie along. Overall I give it 6 out of 10.
snowgirl_dk I hadn't really heard much about "Kindom Come" before watching it except for the fact that Whoopi Goldberg was in it (which was my main reason for seeing this movie) so I didn't have a lot of expectations. However, when seeing it I found it both a funny and touching movie with some great acting, especially from LL Cool J who plays Ray Slocumb, and from Whoopi Goldberg, though her role in the movie is just a small cameo.What I found most interesting about this movie, though, was the way it describes the Slocumb family. In spite of the all-black cast it isn't just a great and funny movie showing a down to earth black family - it is presenting a family that could be of any color, and it does it in a really warm and touching way that also brings a laugh or two along the way.Therefore this is certainly a cute, funny and heart warming movie worth seeing.