King Arthur: Excalibur Rising
King Arthur: Excalibur Rising
| 01 March 2017 (USA)
King Arthur: Excalibur Rising Trailers

A re-imagining of the Arthurian legend centered around Arthur's illegitimate son Owain who must learn to take up his father's mantle as king.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Douglas The idea behind this movie was good: carry the Arthurian legend to the next generation. I'm hoping this was a low-budget movie, maybe a student project (undergraduate). The special effects, other than the now trite slow-/stop-mo scenes and a wolf projected onto the image, were basically non-existent. The actual plot followed every convention; not much originality. The acting was mediocre at best. I wouldn't say it's the worst or even one of the 10 worst movies I've ever seen, but great cinema it isn't. If you go in with low enough expectations, the movie's watchable, especially if it's part of a rent one, get one free deal, like the one I had. (This was the get one free.)
martinbrygger I think this movie is really good to watch in case you are interested in Arthurian Legends. There are some really common mythologocical themes in this movie, which I believe are quite accurate which gives the movie depth. This movie starts in the Iron Age, as Ovid would have called it, where even father and son are enemies. King Arthur has died and the sword has been returned to the Lady of the Lake by one of King Arthurs loyal knights. Mordred is on the throne, like an evil sheriff of Nottingham, while Owain is on his path to fulfill his destiny and bring justice back to the kingdom. The story has many similarities to other myths. Owain is the "once and future king". It's his destiny to wield Excalibur as the son of Arthur. It's possible to compare him with Robin Hood. What I like about this movie is that it shows the mythological struggle between good and evil and it shows that egoic behaviour and greed in the end only creates suffering until people understand the virtues of compassion and rightious action. In that sense, Owain is a true knight, like his father. The movie also has similarities to Star Wars, in that Owain is like Skywalker and Modred is Darth Vader. Both these characters have their magic ally in Merlin (Yoda) and Morgana (the emperor) respectively. I would watch this movie just to get an understanding of this timeless myth, although Excalibur (1981) is a much better movie. I particularly like the fact that this movie brings back the true virtues of being a knight, like honesty and compassion.
David E First, I am pretty forgiving of movies. I watch to enjoy myself. I can deal with mediocre movies and still enjoy myself. Second, I don't mind the re-telling or re-imagination of a tale. For example Excalibur 1981 is amazing. I also enjoyed the 2004 version of King Arthur with Clive Owen. 2 very different approaches to King Arthur. Now, about this movie. As I said in the title, wow, and not in a good way. The acting isn't just bad, it's laughable. The story is an interesting idea that gets lost in the horrible script and horrible CGI. And making Merlin look like a cut-rate Gandalf was a bad idea. The Lady of the Lake lives in a scum filled pond. One good thing is the movie is 99 minutes; about 30 minutes less than a real movie. One other good part was the opening scene of the Battle of Camlann. After that, it is all down hill. Thanks Redbox for the bait and switch. You see, I only saw this movie because I thought I was renting a different movie. Who knew there were 2 movies in 2017 named King Arthur. I guess I should have paid closer attention to the subtitles. There is no reason Redbox should have this horrible of a movie to rent. The only reason I can think is they wanted my $1.50 now and then pay again when King Arthur Legend of the Sword is released. So, watch this movie if it is cheap or free but be prepared. Set your expectations very low and you might do alright.
John hawkins The worst 2 minutes of my life, as that's how long it took me to skip through this travesty of a film. I can honestly say that you should avoid this trash and watch something much more fulfilling and worth using your remaining lifetime, like anything else ever made...To be honest with you I can't believe I've taken the time out to review this cinematic experience, except to warn others of their impending doom of and wasting their eyesight on it instead of something worthwhile, like complete darkness.