Tied for the best movie I have ever seen
Please don't spend money on this.
Did you people see the same film I saw?
Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
I must admit i wasn't expecting much from 'The Killer's', even having read the claims on the UK front cover that it's of the same ilk as 'Natural Born Killers'. The script and acting range from poor, to dismal, to unbearable. The brother's relationship is far from clear, and what vague story line there is, is so badly pieced together, that often times in the movie your sure you've missed something, you cling on in the hope that a clever twist of plot will ensue, but in fact it all falls apart in quite spectacular fashion. The basis of a cult movie are there, but sadly unrealised, id miss this if you possibly can.2/10
Doug Galecawitz
this is bad. this is very bad. i had this recommended to me by several friend and i've cut off all subsequent communication with them in the three years since. it's that bad. the dialogue is so conveluted and eager to try to be cool that it takes on the dimensions of a beggar. The acting is probably is decent but given the material it's impossible to tell who's at fault for this train wreck. I was bored to a navel gazing introspection long before the sixty minute mark and from there it continues down hill. I'd rather watch Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer, or Vulgar, or Natural Born Killers, or anything but beaches.It's too bad Mike Mendez was involved hilarious budgetly challenged Bimbo Movie Bash. I wanted to like this movie but each terrible moment of celluloid was working against me.2 out of 10 file under the category of "so bad it skips being wonderfully bad and goes right back to just plain awful"
This may have been the funniest movie I have ever seen. The over the top acting, the wacky directing and excessive abusive of a pencil to write this movie and make it seem "cool" make this movie hysterical. The laughter just rolls right off the tongue as character after character are shot to their own unique death. The cliques, the blood, the violence, the random use of zombies(?) and of course the most screwed up nuclear family make this movie an instant classic. I have watched this movie a hundred times and I still can't stop laughing. This movie is up there with other legendary movies like Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and The Godfather. Inna Gadda Da Vidda.
This was the filmmakers first film. It was shot for less than 100,000 dollars, but Mike Mendez was able to show that he is a talent to be respected. The dialogue was interesting, the visuals were great, and the acting was excellent for the price. I don't think many could do much better in the price range.