| 05 June 1999 (USA)
Kikujiro Trailers

Brash, loudmouthed and opportunistic, Kikujiro is the unlikely companion for Masao who is determined to see the mother he has never met. The two begin a series of adventures which soon turns out to be a whimsical journey of laughter and tears with a wide array of surprises and unique characters along the way.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Rokurota Makabe This is the first film that Takeshi Kitano directed after the critically acclaimed "Hana-bi" and it represents a totally different approach from him. Perhaps he wanted to make a movie that didn't have the violent content that characterized his previous work, also trying to prove his versatility as an actor. The result is a film that manages to be funny and touching in the same time and it accomplishes that without relying on the clichés that are usually present in films of this kind.Little boy Masao decides to go on a long trip in order to visit his mother whom he had never seen, but in order to do that he must be accompanied by an adult. He finds his companion in Kikujiro, a grumpy and loudmouthed middle-aged man who sometimes cannot avoid getting into trouble. They embark on a journey that is filled with adventures, adventures that manage to build a strong relationship between the two characters. Takeshi Kitano rose to fame as a comedian and this is a film where he fully displays his comedic skills. In spite of all his bad habits, Kikujiro is a likable character and that is the merit of Kitano, who proves once again that he is a talented actor. His directing is also precise and he makes great use of the wonderful score from Joe Hisaishi.With "Kikujiro", Kitano started from a formula that you can also find in Hollywood movies (that of two very different people traveling together), but the final result doesn't look like anything from Hollywood. Kitano managed to make a highly original film by using his unique style and that really paid off in the end.My rating: 8/10
paul2001sw-1 In Takeshi Takeno's film 'Kukijiro', a young boy is taken by a strange old man he hardly knows on a journey across Japan to find the mother he has never met. What follows is much essentially random oddness, as the two of them fall in with a variety of other peculiar characters, some benign and others less so. The film is shot against an unusually drawn countryside, littered with the debris of human activity; and accompanied by a warm, though wholly Western soundtrack. . But the story's mysteries remain unexplained; and I struggled to find much more going on than whimsy; I preferred the director's more vigorous, although also somewhat eccentric, 'Zatoichi'.
Polaris_DiB If it wasn't for the perverted old man and the language, this would probably be a really good children's movie. Who knows, maybe it's intended to be...Anyway, little Masao lives with his grandmother and has never met his parents: his father is dead and his mother ran away. He knows where his mother lives, however, and wants to go visit her over the Summer, so his kindly neighbor conscripts her profligate husband to take him. "Mister", as Masao calls him, doesn't make the ideal companion with his absurd behavior and his verbal abuse, but they go off to adventure anyways and learn to really connect with each other.The power this film has lies mostly in its contemplative approach. It's very humorous and isn't really slow, but the camera does take the time to linger on locales, faces, and characters. For a few odd parts here and there, it's still really innocent and it seems to show that most people are kind-natured at heart, even when they project an aura of toughness and abusiveness. An interesting aside to analyze that theme would be the carnival scene, where people entrusted with family entertainment turn out to be violent cheaters, whereas even the heavy-metal biker folk are more than willing to go out of their way to help Masao.The film itself is from Masao's perspective, as a childhood's slightly photographic memory comes into play, mixed a lot with colorful imagination. The humor is the best part, as it is at times really simple but holds itself up well. There's a lot to enjoy in this film.--PolarisDiB
KFL Takeshi Kitano plays Kikujiro, a combative, ne'er-do-well drifter who is badgered into taking a young boy, Masao, from Tokyo to Toyohashi to meet his mother--for the first time ever.Someone with a little money and with what passes these days for common sense could get there in maybe an hour by bullet train. Kikujiro and Masao take the, umm, scenic route.Anyone who has spent much time in Japan may be feeling "natsukashii" (nostalgia...well, not quite) well before the halfway point. What would, with a sensible adult guide, be an utterly forgettable day trip, is stretched out into a week or more, and becomes a complete summer vacation for Masao, with all that this entails in Japan--the summer festival, swimming in the ocean, the suika-wari game of blindfolded watermelon-bashing (with an amusing variation here), and so on. The "summer vacation" aspect is emphasized by the intertitles introducing each segment, which are presented as photos, complete with captions, that the boy might have taken on a real vacation.The basic structure--the adult-child road trip--has been done before, of course (and a trailer for Central Station is included on the DVD). Some of the concerted attempts by the motley collection of adults to amuse Masao in the last quarter of the movie are rather too contrived. But this is, on the whole, a good-hearted movie (...somewhat rare for Kitano) that managed to make all of us smile....really, though, the title should have been "Masao no natsu", Masao's Summer Vacation.