Kid's Story
Kid's Story
| 03 June 2003 (USA)
Kid's Story Trailers

A high school student is haunted by thoughts of "The Matrix" and a person named "Neo".

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
aptrapani This animated short is genius, plain and simple. Personally, I find this to be one of the few anime cartoons that actually shows a high degree of talent, style, and originality. Honestly now, anime has become a copy of a copy, of a copy. But this, ladies and gentleman, pushes the limits of reality, looking quite real until they move at high speeds, where their bodies flow like wind and sway to whatever direction they moved. I really must say, I cannot find much wrong with this animation, even the voice acting was quite amazing (and I just loved it when the teacher said, "Mr. Popper").Just, I wish that a full animated English feature would be made in this art style, please, someone, anyone?
dispet some have commented that this is plot-light, and in some ways it is, but it doesnt need a plot. this episode of the animatrix is pure philosophy and lead in to a great character in the films. the key to overcoming reality in the matrix is to unlearn everything you know. if you can learn that gravity is meaningless, then it is meaningless, our minds hold total power. and if we can make ourselves believe that death is not the end....well.. brilliant philosophy, amazing, unique animation. great stuff.
rbverhoef This is the ninth and last part of 'The Animatrix', a collection of animated short movies that tell us a little more about the world of 'The Matrix'. In this part a kid knows there is something out there like Neo knew in 'The Matrix'. During a class he is contacted by Neo (Keanu Reeves) and tries to run from the agents who arrive at the school building. This short is a nice ending for 'The Animatrix' with the first and therefor only appearance by Neo.
PlanecrazyIkarus The Animatrix is a very entertaining, very interesting experience. But of all the short movies, this is simply the best.What makes it so obviously superior? Is it the swishy-swooshy animation that is incredibly alive and dynamic? Is it the constant mood of bewilderment that seeps through the entire movie? Is it the subtle, yet suitable score? Or is it the story about the most exceptional character in the matrix universe so far?Yup, thats what the story is about - in my eyes. It's not about Neo or Morpheus or Trinity or any of the other cool people we already know (though Neo and Trinity cameo) - it's about the least likely character, the annoying side kick from Reloaded who made some of the Zion scenes so awkward. Watch "Reloaded" without seeing this first, and you may not like his character, or his very presence in the movie, one little bit (I did not). Yet this touching short movie shows a totally different side to him, and hints quite strongly at a powerful relevance for the matrix universe - even if that is not capitalized upon in Reloaded or Revolutions, this character and his unique story have the potential of an own spin-off. Why? Well I won't spoil it, but the ending of the short is quite powerful, creating the ideal finale for a perfect short animated movie.Stunning, absolutely stunning, and easily the best matrix-related merchandise you are likely to see this year!10/10