| 20 March 1981 (USA)
Kelly Trailers

Thirteen-year-old Kelly travels from Los Angeles to Alaska to visit her father after her parents divorce.

Alicia I love this movie so much
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
girbabe-spam what irks me is when someone reviews a movie without any thought to the target audience and is based only on personal preference. So if a film is intended for young teenagers, it would be expected that an adult may not find it as appealing or exciting. Under those circumstances, it's a misleading review, in my opinion. Besides that, I suppose movies have come a long way since the 80's but I'm not sure that's a good thing. Psycho had a profound effect on people when it was released years ago. Now society is so desensitized that they must watch graphic detail to get the same thrill that our imagination was fully capable of producing all on its own.
momonuget This movie is a must for "tween" girls. Sorry if Kelly's rebellious behavior is too tame for the one reviewer, but her actions are warning signs for parents of troubled kids at the very least. I loved this movie as an adolescent. There aren't many movies for girls that feature an "average" looking main character instead of the sunglassed\ jacket wearing "tomboy-tough girl". Kelly could be anyone's daughter or classmate, which I find to be a nice touch. My favorite scenes are with Kelly & Brother Robin. Kelly and "Winter" the wolf-dog always make me tearful-- sweet and touching message :)...Kelly F. thanks for sharing! Twyla-Dawn is very talented.
kelsey f Hey there! I loved the movie! granted My mother was the main character so I'm somewhat Prejudice It's about a girl who has a tough time fitting in because she's dyslexic and an even tougher time with her parents divorce. She Hates her step dad and isn't fond of her mother for loving him so she acts out in school by starting fights and pulling fire alarms and what-not. so her mom sends her off to live with her father in a small town in northern Canada. she has a tough time fitting in there as well but slowly grows to love it. She get's in to some trouble there steeling a bike and not doing her chores and thinks everyone around her is odd. she meets a poacher and her and her dad go out and try and stop him it turns around on her at one point though when he trys catches her (scaring the crap out of her- even in real life!) but her dad comes to the rescue! she meets all sorts of animals and behind the scenes gets to play with them in the movie there is a scene where she is sitting in the woods and a deer comes up to her and eats out of her hands. This part of the movie wasn't acting she was waiting patiently for it and it came to her and the camera man was just able to get a shot when some one noticed that she was playing out in the woods. another moment that you might like to know was un planned and humors is when she's trying to chop the fire wood. this particular scene took them forever to film because my mom really was a city girl and couldn't chop wood for the life of her so when the axe finally made contact with the wood she did a little dance. Now, might I add, you wont find a anyone better then her and chopping wood when we go camping. The Kodiac is as tame as plays in the movie with the cameras turned off my mom got to ride on his back and play with him for a while. The movie was really fitting for a person like my mom who has always been a huge animal lover. I remember once on one of our many camping trips we found a chipmunk (we think it had been dropped by a hawk to be eaten but got away with brain injuries) that she just didn't have the heart to abandon so we built it a massive cage and kept in in our spare room feeding it shelled nut and water from a syringe for almost a year. Kelly is a great kids movie
cfc_can This movie is basically like an extended after-school special and not even a good one at that. The title character is an adolescent girl who is a rebel at her school (by G-rated, 1981 standards that is, today, she'd hardly be noticed) As she and her re-married mom are not clicking, the girl ends up going to stay with her dad, Logan, who lives up in the northern wilderness. So what happens when this surly, irresponsible, self-centered girl is thrust into nature for the first time? Will she change her rebellious ways, learn self-respect and respect for others? Anyone over the age of 6 should be able to guess. In fact, the change happens so quickly that there is no real drama. Everything in the film is played completely straight and even the locations are dull. It's about as exciting as an average episode of Danger Bay or one of those hour long Walt Disney animal specials they used to show in the 60s/70s. It's another example of how Canadian film making has come a long way since the early 80s.