Kapoor & Sons
Kapoor & Sons
| 18 March 2016 (USA)
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Returning home to visit their ill grandfather, two estranged brothers must confront their unresolved rivalry while their parents’ marriage frays.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Ricardo Daly The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
shamimara-07365 I've been a fan of Hindi movies for 50 years and this one will surely become a classic! Very well done.
Varun Chaudhary 'Kapoor & Sons' seems to have taken to heart that famous Tolstoy line: "all happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way", in the way it chooses a specific kind of unhappiness for each member of the Kapoor family.The fact that Bollywood is now confident enough to give us a family which is not bursting with joy is a thing to be lauded. Meet the Kapoors : grandpa (Rishi Kapoor), middle-aged son (Rajat Kapoor) and his wife (Ratna Pathak Shah), and two grandsons Rahul (Fawad Khan) and Arjun (Sidharth Malhotra), all gathered together after many years for a reunion at their Coonoor homestead.At first it is a huge relief that the Kapoors don't go about slobbering over each other. They are not gratingly saccharine. They squabble, shout and yell. Simmering resentments between the two young men, kept at bay all this time, come out. There's tension between the older couple as well, which keeps spilling out all the time. You see these people stepping around each other, ducking and weaving, lying to each other, and you are thinking, hey now, great, here are finally, actually people you can recognize.And then you stop. Because much too soon you recognize them too well. Because they are all playing to a type, and we've seen so many of them so often in Hollywood flicks. Rishi Kapoor, almost unrecognizable underneath all that make-up, is meant to be the jolly ol' roguish gramps. Fawad's Rahul is the London-based 'perfect' older son, so often called 'hot' by pretty women that you know exactly what that portends. Sidharth's Arjun is the 'loser' who is constantly having to prove himself. And Tia (Alia Bhatt) is yet another version of the manic pixie girl dealing with past tragedy. The result is a cook-out which pleases only in patches.This turns the characters into stock, and the film into a constructed thing, and you know what's coming much before it actually does. Which is a pity because a film like this one, with a nice sense of place (the house has a lived-in feel ; the hill town used as home, not a series of picturesque spots) and more-than-competent performers, could have been that rare Bollywood thing : a grown-up drama featuring grown-ups.
Anand Mishra Kapoor & Sons is not what you think it is.It's not your Kar gayi chull type of movie with party songs and slapstick comedy which double dares you to laugh. It's a film very high on drama and equally high on fun. There are moments of joy,love,hate,fear,anguish and anxiety in every sequence of the film, a very rare feat to achieve. And they not only stay with you while the movie is running, they stay with you much after the movie is over. I almost cried in the later part of the movie(Enough Said!), not because there were too much emotions but it's just appropriate enough that you feel like it is your story.You could totally connect yourselves with whatever is happening, so much so that if you stay away from your family you feel like stop doing whatever you are doing and be with them again.Just one hug to them and a hug as hard as it can be. Just one hug.What makes Kapoor & Sons great?Well, it's every aspect there is in a movie. But the most of all is the screenplay and the performances. It is the juxtaposition of the events and the constant switching of camera over two scenes simultaneously taking place, that shows the craftsmanship of Shakun Batra,the director and also screenwriter(sharing credit with Ayesha Devitre Dhillon) of the movie. For example, there is this scene where the husband(Harsh) and the wife(Sunita) is fighting in the kitchen while Dadaji is angry on some other old aged person over the game of cards in the garden area and then both of the events gets merged and the resultant action takes place , same goes with Tia confronting Arjun and Rahul confronting his mother,Sunita. And don't get me started with the performances. Rishi Kapoor,Rajat Kapoor,Fawad Khan,Ratna Pathak Shah,Alia Bhatt and Siddhartha Malhotra.Oh boy! what a cast. The comic timing of Rishi Kapoor, the seriousness of Fawad Khan and the innocence of Ratna Pathak Shah(the Sarabhai Lady) are the notable ones which is going to stay with us.Maybe the ending is predictable but the journey is way way more unpredictable. Kapoor & Sons is a very rare movie and a brilliant example of how family drama should be. It sets the bar high enough for a movie of this kind. A movie so good that its screaming loudly for you to watch it.[9/10]
waheed_zuhair Kapoor and sons Inspite of good reviews i delayed watching it. Let me start of with the story. Story is good in fact it was superb but i did not like Fawad khan's character. Why make him gay??. No i do not get it. It was going on so well. You should have instead got him married without his family information. Fawad khan's gay scene should have been avoided. Not at least in this movie.Story had enough twists.story did not require the GAY content. Direction- Outstanding.Too good not a moment of boring part. First half is fun enjoyable and at same time lovely.Acting- Rishi Kapoor-10/10 very good.Excellent!!. I haven't seen his movies a lot.He impressed me in Agneepath and did not disappoint me in this one as well. Rajat Kapoor-10/10. This guy is awesome. Perfect!!! Ratna Pathak- 8/10. Justified. Alia Bhatt- 9/10.She is just perfect. She is perfect teenage girl who doesn't know anything. Entire movie she plays it dumb. She reminded me of my first crush.Sidharth Malhotra-9/10. Good. Nothing much to do. But he was good. His character touched me.Fawad Khan-8/10. Perfectly played. Minus 2 for playing GAY.Alternate ending would have got 9/10 from me.Must watch!!!!. Forget the ending. Skip it if you want. That would be better.
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