Kabuslar Evi: Takip
Kabuslar Evi: Takip
| 01 January 2006 (USA)
Kabuslar Evi: Takip Trailers

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Micransix Crappy film
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
CanEvrenol "Kabuslar Evi" (House of Nightmares) (2006) is only the second Turkish Horror TV series, the first being Taylan Brothers' X-Files rip-off "Sir Odasi" (1999). "Kabuslar Evi" - "Takip" (House of Nightmares - The Chase) is the first episode of the rather disappointing horror series from the writer/director Cagan Irmak. The series were made to be aired on a private TV channel in Turkey, but the rumor goes Cagan Irmak was not satisfied with the results and released it straight to DVD.Cagan Irmak went on to win the hearts of the Turkish audiences by two colossal box office hit tear-jerkers: Mustafa Hakkinda Hersey (2004) and Babam ve Oglum (2006). In both of these films there are glimpses of minor horror elements.Both these films displayed proof that Cagan Irmak is occasionally in great command of his cinema in spite he is always going for the clichés. His films are flawed with some unrealistic dialogs, some phony makeup and rare but always present theatrical acting. It seems his priority is the box-office. For Turkish mainstream cinema, Cagan Irmak is a rising star (a star already even). For true horror cinema, it is too soon to say anything. Let's hope Cagan Irmak makes enough money now, to be able to make better stuff in the near future. "Takip" delivers a Lovecraftian narration as the lead character travels to a small village, rents a house and begins writing a story. This story he writes seems to intertwine to his own childhood and reveals a very authentic werewolf story with a twist. A solid story indeed.However the film is heavily flawed in terms of visual effects, make-up, credible local dialect and the acting of several characters. The werewolf is almost a caricature. For my money it is up there with, if not worse than, the IronMaiden's-Eddie-kinda-looking-devil from Hasan Karacadag's Semum (2008) - another crazy Turkish horror film with crazy CGI effects. This CGI werewolf, however, is even cheaper. Probably one of the cheapest and lamest CGI werewolfs ever in the history of cinema. And when the werewolf is not CGI, it is laughable. It walks like it's seconds away from dropping dead. An extremely clunky werewolf dummie if you dare to call it a werewolf dummie. It's like a big cuddly bear, with minimal joints.Still, after all, Cagan Irmak is a promising director who has the capacity and the will to do some interesting stuff in the name of Turkish Horror in the coming years. Fingers crossed.
aranel007 i think it is a revolution for turkey's cinema sector. high class, dramatic, psychological movie. everything starts with a psychotic writer start searching a quiet and peaceful town to write his stories. then he found a mystic and scary house. he realized that the thing he was running away didn't stop following him. it reflect on Turkish horror films. casting directing is perfect i think.it burst classical routine horror film mentality's bonds.i am sure you will like it and wanna see the other pieces of this series. i don't say you will adore it but you will like i believe.