Just Write
Just Write
PG-13 | 01 March 1997 (USA)
Just Write Trailers

A Hollywood tour bus driver poses as a screenwriter to romance an up-and-coming young actress.

Steineded How sad is this?
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
aemnaljumily Called it extreme weather called it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weathercalled it extreme weather
inspectors71 Trash. Just Write is just plain bad, a cheap-jack, cutesy-poo, name-dropping cable movie attempt to cash in on the romantic comedy genre. There isn't an original thought or line of dialogue in this garbage. What your left with is a crummy attempt to be sweet and topical, and all you're going to get is a headache. The performances are of the dollar store variety. Jeremy Piven is likable, but he has a better radio-announcer voice than a screen presence. Sherilyn Fenn, all curvy and wholesome under her Marilyn Monroe makeup is just bland. Both actors, and the whole supporting cast, look as if they're in it for the money only. I saw this--or suffered through it--as a way to spend time with my family while recovering from surgery. I think barfing in the recovery room as the happy gas wore off was a more pleasant experience.Skip it!
George Parker "Just Write" is a little - no, make that tiny - formula romantic comedy fluff pic full of filler with only two things going for it: Piven and Fenn. Yes, it lags and yes it's silly and predictable. However, the naive trolley-bus driver (Piven) and Hollywood rising star (Penn) do work together. Recommended for those in the mood for romantic comedy but have seen all the big ones.
robertg-9 This film has enough off-center elements to keep you hanging on while it slowly moves you through all the expected plot points.The main thing it has going for it is Jeremy Piven, a very smart and inventive actor -- even here, where he pulls out all the stops just to keep things afloat. And he's just the actor for the job. His energy seems to raise the standard for the other actors as well, not that they haven't all done good work before; but he gives them all something to respond to and they seem to rise to the occasion with some equally inventive turns.Thank goodness. This small romance needs whatever help it can get to convince you to hang in there with it. It pays off in the end exactly the way you knew it would, it's just that it takes so long to go exactly where you knew it was going.