| 31 August 2001 (USA)
Judgment Trailers

Helen Hannah, the Christian leader of "Apocalypse" "Revelation" and "Tribulation" is being put on trial in the One Nation Earth Court of Justice. Mitch Kendrick is a lawyer assigned to defend her, and Victoria Thorne, his ex-lover, is the attorney. Not only is the entire trial scripted, but Kendrick is on the fence about whose side he's on.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
john-5927 SPOILERS ALERT Good acting but bad script. They really stretch the limits of logic in this well acted but poorly written fundamentalist hallucination. The "poor me" fundamentalist martyr that has done no wrong and committed no crime is being persecuted by all the non-believers who have suddenly been cured of all illness and now have telekinetic powers. Not exactly true to life. I didn't see any "believer" references to blowing up abortion clinics, lying, cheating, treating the poor badly, war mongering, putting money over people, racism, sexism, and hatred of immigrants , or of blindly following Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and FoxNews (The real modern deceivers in my opinion). Of course those people must have been raptured up to heaven before the real conflict starts.Scientists are portrayed as deep religious believers in someone claiming to be God (Lucifer) without any question or usual scientific analysis. The judge, prosecutor, and defense attorney all take their queues from the devil and the injustice just builds and builds for the true believers as everything is stacked against the defendant. In my humble opinion they laid it on as thick as honey. The "proof" that the defense offers asks the audience - Is two plus two four no matter how many people think it is five? They would have been better in comparing MSNBC to FoxNews where Fox says it must have a monopoly on the truth because their ratings are higher. For the English majors out there it's called "argumentum ad populum" meaning it must be true because its popular.It's a good rental and moves along at a good pace, but if they wanted to defend God they did it in a really insulting way. God gave us brains and we should use them. There is a difference between enlightened faith and blind faith. Sadly, the movie takes the later approach.
Dave Castle Although there have been a number of movies attempting to portray these events, and so many of them have been very poor, this movie does an excellent job! One must have a strong intellect and an open mind to understand why this is such a great movie and the actors do a very good job. Unfortunately most who have discussed this movie are commenting on the content rather than the production. Because they disagree with Biblical themes, this movie tends to hurt their puerile little feelings and, they intensely dislike the movie on that prejudice. They claim that evangelicals are judging them...while they are clearly judging those of whom they accuse! They claim short-sightedness...which they demonstrate in their lack of objectivity. And many claim intellectual insults...while they err in their spelling. Sad, but typical of the declining U.S. culture. As George Bernard Shaw once stated: "some people think they are thinking when they are really just rearranging their prejudices".
heckles I rented this knowing it was going to Christian propaganda, and that it would offer some fun MST3k style. What I didn't know was just how jaw-droppingly crude and inept the writing would be.Corbin Burnsen must have been way behind on house payments to agree to have done this movie. To go from a star of the highest rated show on TV ("L.A. Law") to this drek was a fall indeed. Even Mr. T seems to be slumming. Neither has to stretch, as the characters they have here are almost identical to Arnie Becker and B.A., respectively.The courtroom procedure in this movie is sillier than in "Ally McBeal," and that's saying a lot. What is particularly amusing is the presentation of the One World Ruler. Whether it's books or films in this gender, he's pretty easy to spot - he's the only character whose name has a pronounced vowel at the end. But the people who take the stuff seriously must be slow on the uptake, so the producers also dress him in sinister suits, give him a decadent haircut, and give an office where he keeps a big picture of himself hanging behind the desk. He's really, *really* evil, get it? Ruling the world must leave one with more slack time than say, running your average restaurant, because he's on ready call to be a witness at the trial of the title. Oh, there are prequels and sequels. Probably with other washed up actors, in addition to actors so obscure even they don't know their own names. I think I'll pass.
Jim Howard (hnbbs) This movie is so bad that it may make the list of worst movies of all time. The world has a one world goverment led by the devil. The hero of the movie is put on trail for "hatred of the human race." Nothing rings true in the movie. It all seems so dumb that you wonder why anyone would have any part in the movie. There is no real story, no one can act plus it has Mr. T in the movie. That should tell you the type of actors the movie has in it.You can thank God that there is not a one world government and that I am not the leader. If I were the leader and you liked this movie I would put you on trail for hatred of movies (and art).You will see some born again members of the God squad give this a review with five stars. If you rent or buy this movie try not to curse.There are excellent movies out there about God and religion. This is not one of them. Pray that we are not subject to many more movies like this.