Ju-On: White Ghost
Ju-On: White Ghost
NR | 27 June 2009 (USA)
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An apparitions of a young schoolgirl in a yellow rain hat, a family massacre, and a law student's suicide after he fails his bar exam are linked by the ominous recordings discovered on an audio cassette.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Paul Magne Haakonsen Normally I am very fond of Japanese horror movies, and in overall then the "Ju-On" series have been adequate; the Japanese originals of course, not the abysmal Hollywood cash-in on the success of the Japanese movies.However, this 2009 installment in the franchise was a swing and a miss.First of all, the production level of the entire movie feels like something I could have done myself as an audience. It just lacks proper production value to be a proper movie.The story was fragmented and a scrambled mess of a story, that made very little coherent sense.The acting in the movie was adequate, although the actors and actresses had nothing to work with."Ju-on: Shiroi rôjo" had fair special effects, but they were far from being great mind you.There was nothing scary about the movie at all, which made it a very dull and pointless experience to sit through. Especially if you compare it to the previous installments in the franchise.This is definitely not a Japanese horror movie that you should rush out to invest your time or money in.
DigitalRevenantX7 On Christmas Eve, a cake shop worker arrives at the Isobe household, only to find the family dead – the result of an uncle who went crazy after failing his law exams & after being caught molesting his niece & who went to the forest to hang himself – and their ghosts already haunting the house. The worker is then surprised by the family's grandmother, herself a ghost too & holding a basketball. The film then follows the fate of several people who had contact with the doomed family in the final days before they died.The Ju-On film series was one of Japan's great horror franchises – a worthy contender to the likes of the RING cycle & PULSE, as well as giving Western horror fans something new to contend with after they had worn out their VHS copies of the Shinya Tsukamoto classic TETSUO: THE IRON MAN into the ground. Director Takashi Shimizu had created what is effectively the Friday the 13th of ghost stories – a killer ghost going around passing on a lethal curse to anyone who she comes into contact with. Not much in the way of character development, plot exposition or even a cohesive narrative – the films pass between victims with no logical connections to the point that trying to decipher the story is like sorting spaghetti. In 2009, nearly a decade after the original Ju-On films came out, two DTV features came out in order to celebrate the series.Of the two spinoffs, Ju-On: Old Lady in White is the better of the two. While this one might not quite match the major unease of the original films, it does try to make a reasonable ghost story. Newcomer director Ryuta Miyake manages to put in a few interestingly weird moments – everything from a severed head in a bag to a supernaturally resilient audio cassette & the rather silly but still weird image of the old lady ghost holding a basketball, as well as the film's highlight in weirdness with the uncle possessed by the house's evil spirits that leave his reflection still in the mirror while his body goes walkabouts – but like I mentioned above, the story is so murky that the plot threads are mixed together like your favourite Italian restaurant's finest spaghetti. Passable at best.
thehomicidal I'm a massive fan of the Ju-On series as well as the American Grudge series.I watched The Grudge: Old Lady in White in the dark, alone at about 2AM. What a brilliant idea that was. The film is only an hour long and thus grabs your attention early on and doesn't let go.The Good -Completely different universe to any of the other Grudge/Ju-On films which is a refreshing change as in my opinion, Kayako was beginning to get a bit overused.-A good mixture of subtle build-ups and in-your-face scares. I literally punched my laptop in one scene.-Doesn't try to be anything other than an intense and scary film.The Bad -Only an hour.
siriouslysid Im a bit unsure wither or not to make this a good or bad review. I don't think it deserves to be considered one of the ju-ons, neither does Kuroi shôjo in my opinion. I think the story was well written; perhaps the let down was due to the director. It didn't have the same eerie settings, and uneasy tension that the other ju-ons captures beautifully. The acting in some scenes was also quite cringeworthy. I did like the non-linear running which is also carried out in this "ju-on" ; probably the only was it can be compared. I think this film has a good frame work for a really good horror; just not enough was put in. Also i did not understand how the granny with the basketball could be considered scary; it was more hilarious than anything. I enjoyed the fact that Toshio made an appearance, however i don't understand why, and nothing explained this. i think it is worth a watch if you are a fan of the ju-on series; just to witness it, but don't approach with great expectations.
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