R | 18 November 1997 (USA)
Joyride Trailers

A bored motel clerk and his buddies go for a little joy ride in a woman's car. They don't realize until it is too late that she is a paid assassin and that her latest victim is in the trunk. Thus begins the clerk's descent into a shadowy world of lies and murder.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
H_Spengler I watched this the other night purely because there was nothing else on. I am actually dumbfounded as to how inanely bad this movie is. The sad part is, almost ever actor in here has been in much better movies. Tobey Maguire(Cider House Rules, Seabiscuit), Wilson Cruz (Party Monster), and perhaps the biggest shame of them all Benecio Del Toro (Traffic, The Way of the Gun).The acting was god awful, the script was absolute messy non sense, the story: b o r i n g and it made no sense. I've seen better films from student filmmakers.Look I know that every actor has to cut his acting chops on something but there are thousands of better ways to do it than this film, which felt more like a cheap low budget porno with a she-assassin and a few cops thrown in on the side. Not one character in this convoluted mess reacts like anyone would in real life to the situations they find themselves in. For example: I'd be pretty freaked out if I found a dead guy in the truck of a car, Tobey and company look at him as though he's nothing more than a spare tire. Seriously not one yelp. The only actor who even attempts to do anything resembling acting is Del Toro as your stereotypical police detective, and he's not in the film nearly enough I suppose that's good for his resume though considering. Avoid at all costs!!
lhunt Clearly a "B" movie, this feature lacks the wooden acting that so often typifies low budget fare. In fact, all the characters are engaging in this somewhat improbable fantasy, which manages to address a number of very serious issues in ways that are alternately gripping, humorous, and tragic - e.g., child abuse, the need for young people to have goals, contrasts of social class, hypocrisy, etc.Having started watching this with very low expectations, I was surprised at how memorable and thought-provoking this moral parable - almost a fable really - turned out to be.Fun, funny, sad, shocking, frightening, and redeeming. This is worth a watch for those willing to look beyond the minimal budget to the accomplishment not only of the actors, but also of the screenwriter and the director!
BareNakedJimmy I rented this movie knowing nothing about it except what I read on the box. Believe it or not, I didn't even know who Tobey McGuire was, altho I just saw Spiderman last month (and damn, he's cute!) So, needless to say, I didn't expect much.I was pleasantly surprised and amused by its portrayal of a boring, redneck small Texas town (like where I presently live) and its hick residents, and the typical bored teenage boys and the trouble they get into, just like I used to (well, not QUITE like I used to!)Like many other reviewers, I'm very surprised that Christina Naify hasn't appeared in many other films, because I felt that she was the best player in the cast. I also loved Wilson Cruz, as a scared, whiney, (and cute!) Gay boy, and really got off seeing him kick the crap out of a redneck from school. The concept of Adam West playing the part of a pimp was quite entertaining too.The plot was a bit twisted, with several unexpected turns that kept me guessing what would happen next. Unlike some other reviewers, I'm not bothered by slight inconsistencies and/or loose ends, I mean, come on, I paid a buck (for all three of us to watch it), and we got an hour and a half of decent entertainment!All-in-all, I give it 2.5 stars on the Leonard Maltin scale. And I'd watch it again if I can catch it on late-night TV.
Zantara Xenophobe I wasn't going to comment on this movie, but something has been bothering me about this since I watched it a few weeks ago. First off, let me state that I rented this because I wanted to see Adam West, who I always have liked and think should be in more big movies. The only people who were any good in this movie were West and Wilson Cruz (and maybe James Karen, but that short scene is hard to judge). Everyone else was just awful, particularly Tobey Maguire and Benicio Del Toro. Maguire is always smug and annoying. He's certainly one of the stupidest protagonists I have ever seen. Del Toro is really lazy here, mumbling his lines and giving nothing to his part. Hard to believe this is the same guy I saw in `Traffic' last year. And Quinton Peeples doesn't help much when it comes to his writing. Some of his directing is nice, but it can't cover up the weakness of his pen.All that said, let me get to what is bothering me: the opening scene. There is a short scene where we see Maguire and Amy Hathaway helping a dazed and confused Adam West to his feet. I assumed this was a foreshadowing of a final scene. Yet this is not exactly what happens in the film's real end. SPOILER ALERT. Instead, West is arrested by Del Toro. This scene really seems tacked on because the man getting into the police car isn't really West, but some stunt double and we hear West's voice muttering how he is innocent. Peeples must have rewritten something, either by his own accord or by order of a producer or executive, yet he left in the opening scene which does not fit in with the rewrite. END OF SPOILER ALERT Anyway, that was really troubling me. If you watch it, check out the opening scene and try to make sense out of it in conjunction with the rest of the film. I sure can't figure it out. Zantara's score: 4 out of 10. Thanks, Adam, for trying and making this a little better than what it would have otherwise been.