Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Planet of the Dino-Knights
Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Planet of the Dino-Knights
PG | 25 October 1995 (USA)
Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Planet of the Dino-Knights Trailers

Josh Kirby Time Warrior Chapter 1 Planet of the Dino-Knights: In the 25th century mankind has found a device capable of destroying the universe. Irwin 1138 separates the Nullifier into 6 pieces which he scatters throughout time. When the evil Dr. Zoetrope goes after the pieces, Irwin 1138 must try to stop him, with the help of a 20th century teenager, Josh Kirby, and a half-human warrior named Azabeth Siege. The race is on.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
lovableannie This movie was very enjoyable for me to watch as a six year old i first saw it when it came out and i really loved them, i rented every single one of the six part movies. its really an awesome movie for kids that is. It is sad how they were discontinued they were not meant for adults and the budget was low and the acting was not top notch but still when you are young you do not realize these things. I honestly enjoyed it ten years ago and i saw it today after many years and still enjoyed it although not as much. But come on people let the kids see it, its sad how they were discontinued these movies. If you do get a chance to see this movie i am certain you will want to see the other five. I was very lucky to find part three trapped in toy world at Big Lots the other day although it is not as good as the first one.
JoLeigh f If you want to give kids a taste of Sci-Fi, try this series. I found these videos at Blockbuster years ago and my mom rented them for me. At 9 years old, I thought these were the best movies ever. I would want to watch it again if given the chance, but I can't find it anywhere. But from what I could recall, this series was fun. I thought Azabeth was awesome. I never realized the lack of quality in this Sci-Fi series in regards to the special effects or acting. It is time-travel. This series is what sparked my interest in Sci-Fi. Nowadays, my favorite movies are Back to the Future - 1,2,and 3. My favorite TV Show is Stargate SG-1. Josh Kirby... Time Warrior! From a child-like memory, I'd give it a 9 out of 10.
Sleepless_128 I know I may be alone in saying this but I have to say that Josh Kirby...Time Warrior is one of the greatest film series ever created. Sure it may not have the best effects and the highest budget. And yeah people might find it a little childish but that's because most people only like high budget big effects movies. No one sees the true quality and work that people put into these "low budget" films. The story line to this series is brilliant. I don't watch movies to see nice cars and computer generated people. I watch movies for the storyline, the ideas, and the excitement. Now I'm getting off topic.Josh Kirby is the story of a boy who comes in contact with a piece of an alien defies capable of destroying the Universe. He soon finds him self racing across the time stream in a Time Pod built by Erwin 1138 from the future. Erwin has scattered pieces of the defies throughout the time stream to hide them from the evil Dr. Zoetrobe but Zoetrobe has found out where the pieces are and now it's a race against the clock to find all the pieces before Zoetrobe does.In this chapter you see how the whole story begins. After leaving 1994 Josh and Erwin find them selves in med evil England where dinosaurs are considered dragons and as Josh and Erwin search for a piece of the nolifier, the alien defies, they are caught in a med evil war between two brothers. Be prepared for cliff hangers.
Chris Gaskin I watched this and was surprised to see the dinosaurs in it were stop-motion models, 70 years after the first major feature film used this method, The Lost World (1925). They look impressive, however.I quite enjoyed this movie and rate it 3 and a half stars out of five.