Johnny Was
Johnny Was
R | 19 September 2006 (USA)
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Johnny Doyle escapes a violent past in Ireland to lie low in London, until his former mentor Flynn breaks out of Brixton Prison...

VividSimon Simply Perfect
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
garyshelley1 I have never rated a film, nor posted an opinion on line about a film but having just watched this poor film I felt a duty to join IMDb and post a rating so as to warn others who may be considering making the same mistake as me. I gave this filth a 1 star as thats the lowest rating the ratings tool would allow me, but believe me this is not even a one star film, its awful terrible acting, terrible plot,the whole thing was absolutely ridiculous and I feel cheated. Anyone who had anything to do with this garbage must feel truly ashamed of themselves. I am a lover of great film, but if the truth be told I can watch any old rubbish and normally get in to it on some level but not with this absolute turkey, it was horrendous. I cannot fathom how anyone in there right mind could have allowed this film to be made let alone released, what a rip off, we have been cheated people. I now have a headache and the most annoying thing is I sat through this until the end despite deciding one minute into the film that this is the most amateur, pathetic effort of an attempt at a gangster movie I have ever seen. You cant even call this a movie, this film should be renamed'"Gone in 60 seconds"because thats precisely how long I should have left it in the DVD player before tossing this rubbish out of the window.Be warned do not watch this movie.!!
mommus I don't understand how this movie could have won an award. What's wrong with our Canadian cousins!?Perhaps it's the fact that i live in London that makes the terrible attempt at accents all the more acute, or makes it so obvious that it was made in Belfast, rather than London, where it is set. Or perhaps it's the fact that Lennox Lewis (along with the rest of the cast probably!!) is far better at boxing than acting. But I think the real reason this film is such a stinker is that it has absolutely no point or direction whatsoever.Most of the dialogue is written and delivered in such a way as to make you think it's some kind of GCSE drama improvisation, and the story is non-existent.
Henry What a complete surprise and what a great story. I went to the screening with a bunch of friends knowing virtually nothing about this other than the cast, which was very celeb-driven.It looks like a little low key action movie, and in some ways it is, but the story, the quirky characters and the subject matter - about race, national identity and gangster morality - is much smarter than most of the britflicks of recent years. It is like a strange hybrid of Long Good Friday and dark almost comic-book B Movie, and the low key dialogue plays well against the violence in the background.It completely pulled me in. Vinnie Jones had one foot in his usual hard-man act, but the other was as a much more thoughtful guy, running away from his past.Patrick Bergin plays a larger than life veteran psycho and is responsible for most of the dark laughs. La Salle is great and the opposite of his old ER character. Talking with my friends afterwards, there was disagreement about Samantha Mumba the former pop singer. Some thought she was too low key, but I thought she played the character of a junkie gangsters girl very well. Everyone agreed that Vinnie and Lennox Lewis were the best performances. Old Rocker Roger Daltrey was also good in a smaller role.Some of the action looked a bit wobbly, but London came out looking well, especially Brixton Market.Our verdict: if you are looking for a big budget action movie, this isn't it. But if you are sick and tired of movies which are all flash and no substance, this one with its unusual settings and great characters that stay with you after the movie is over might be for you.
jakejr2 I was fortunate enough to have seen the movie at film fest. Wow - I thought it was such a light and enjoyable film. I didn't know Lennox Lewis could act!! The story is funny and clever. I've always enjoyed Eric LaSalle from ER and look forward to seeing him in other films. Hopefully this film leads to more engagements/roles. Roger Daltrey was cool but he should have had more exposure within the film since he did such a credible job. While the film was clearly made on an extremely small budget, I think that's what makes even more compelling. I have read some of the other reviews and am appalled at the reviews that are bad. Were those people actually watching the movie or did they have their Ipods on during the viewing!!