Jennifer's Shadow
Jennifer's Shadow
R | 01 October 2004 (USA)
Jennifer's Shadow Trailers

Willful young Jennifer Cassi travels to South America to claim the inheritance of her recently deceased twin sister Johanna's house. While there Jennifer must contend with her eccentric grandmother Mary Ellen Cassi, who has damned the family with an ancient curse. Jennifer immediately starts to suffer from scary visions of a sinister raven every time she goes to sleep.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
slayrrr666 "Chronicles of the Raven" is a missed opportunity for a supernatural horror film.**SPOILERS**Arriving in Argentina for his sister's funeral, Jennifer Cassi, (Gina Phillips) and meets their grandmother, Mary Ellen, (Faye Dunaway) who is upset with her for taking the house. After spending several days there, she begins to fall prey to a series of strange diseases that plagued her sister as well. As she finds that her dreams of being eaten alive by a group of ravens is identical to the trauma she's experiencing, ex-doctor Dario Bardevil, (Duilio Marzio) explains the true nature of what's happening to her. Getting deeper into the mystery, she finds the horrible truth about what happened and races to stop it from transpiring.The Good News: There's a couple of decent things in here. The few dream sequences spread throughout are not only clever and creative but also has some really effective moments. The first one is the best, due to the newness of what's going on and also in the imagery and tone conveyed throughout. The setting is helped immeasurably, and the helpless state of the victim and the nightmare-ish quality all combine together into making it a really effective scene. Any of the dream sequences are like that, while the first one is the top one. The story is a rather creative one, relying on the supernatural in a way that really wasn't used before. The vibe and atmosphere from the beginning of the film in the initial sequences are pretty nice and give off a nice Gothic feel to it that is missing from most similar films, and there is one classic jump late in the film that is really only effective due to principle but is in itself a cliché. There is some good points going for it.The Bad News: There is some good spots here, but there is also some moments that don't quite work. The film's biggest flaw is the pacing. The film takes forever to get going, and that it switches in the middle is a major distraction. After spending about twenty minutes with dealing with the funeral arrangements and what happens afterward, the film then becomes a supernatural plague that is quite abrupt and throws off the whole plot. Once it starts to explain itself late in the film, it's some of the most nonsensical babble ever. None of it makes any sense, and rather than playing into the supernatural, all it does is force questions to rise to the surface. They can't be revealed, but it sets up more questions than answers. Most of them would be fine if the ending didn't just come out of nowhere and then destroys whatever potential it had. One of the most overused clichés in the genre, with a set-up coming a mile away that really didn't seem like that would've been done, but then it comes and is a real insult to the film. That, coupled with the slow pace, really undermines the film the most.The Final Verdict: This could've been a decent film, but it's just a gigantic missed opportunity. There's moments of brilliance, so it's a lost cause, but the only real ones this will appeal to are those that love direct-to-video films or those that are hardcore supernatural fans. Otherwise, this won't likely become a favorite.Rated R: Violence and mild Language
gingerrogers49 The movie does fill the bill of a true horror movie in the old Gothic school of a haunted house slash conspiracy witchcraft theme.The location and sets are spot on. The house itself lends it'self perfectly for what you would call a haunted house. It positively drips with a doom and gloom atmosphere which is what makes the movie worth seeing for this reason alone. I would love to own a house like this.I did feel that the acting is a bit contrived leaving you with a feeling as if the actors are still rehearsing their parts instead of a leaving you with a polished performance.I did enjoy the movie though. Maybe I'm just a sucker for this genre and that makes me bias.
Quentin Engles I liked this movie a lot. It wasn't very scary for me, but it wasn't the scare factor that made the movie good. The atmosphere was what made the movie fantastic. There was a definite atmosphere to this picture. Horror is OK but atmosphere is makes it better. The plot was alright too. I didn't know this movie even existed until I saw it on satellite. The acting was in and out as far as quality. The visuals had something to say though. The theme of the story is very interesting as well. You will just have to see it to understand how strange it is. That is if you appreciate these kinds of themes. Also, it was a little relief from the usual teenagers in the hack and slash horror kind of film. There was a story. The cinematography was nice too.
LeaBlacks_Balls The only reason I rented this was because of the article in Fangoria Magazine. The article made this film look interesting. Well, it isn't. This was a very boring, amateurishly written and directed movie. All the actors in this movie are awful, except Faye Dunaway, who is always a joy to watch. But too much time was focused on Gina Phillips and her ridiculous encounters with ravens and Duilio Marzio. Marzio has such a thick Argentinean accent, you can only understand every couple of words he says. Also on hand is Nicholas Pauls, who plays the ultra-bland love interest to Gina Phillips. The bottom line: this movie is not scary. There is only one good scene and that is the last five to ten minutes of the movie. I would have given this one star, but I gave it three just because I like Faye Dunaway so much. But even she wasn't that great in this.