It Takes Two
It Takes Two
PG-13 | 13 July 1988 (USA)
It Takes Two Trailers

Travis is due to marry Stephanie in a few days when he is convinced by beautiful saleswoman Jonni to buy a fancy sports car. The car looks good, but it turns out to be a piece of junk. Travis is determined to get satisfaction and he and Jonni hit the road to confront the crooked car dealer.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
sundialpictures-01657 This movie is absolute garbage. You will hate Travis unlike any character you've ever hated. He basically treats Jonni like a whore and receives a wedding and a car that he doesn't deserve in the slightest. I hated this guy and it ruined what could have been a fun and interesting adventure involving the lambo from hell. Give this one a skip.
Wizard-8 From what the IMDb reveals, "It Takes Two" was pretty much thrown away during its scant theatrical release despite being a major studio production. If you ask me, it shouldn't have been released at all. Actually, it shouldn't even have been made. I've tried to think of at least one point of merit to be found, but I can't think of anything nice to say about the movie at all. It goes wrong in every way you can think of. None of the characters in the movie is the least bit sympathetic, and with that in mind you can probably understand why there isn't the least bit of chemistry between the two leads. The script is a real mess - although the movie only runs 79 minutes long, there is a ridiculous amount of padding. Maybe if the movie had been funny such problems could have been overlooked, but there's not one laugh to be found. It'll take two minutes watching the movie to realize you're watching a stinker.
froggybottom this is one of the great movies of the '80's. travis and stephi will get married in a few days but before travis gets married he wants to sow his wild oates by going to the big city (dallas) and buying an "imitation lamborghini". at the dealership he meets sex vixen sales rep jonni tigersmith and she convinces him to buy all the options but the extended warranty. once he drives off the lot the cars goes ballistics and conks out. all the while he's trying to get the dealership to repair his lemon but no extended warranty means no service. so he and jonni team up with the recently fired chief mechanic to break out another car from the dealership firebomb it and race the crooked manager in a chase scene. back in his home town stephi is still waiting on word on when he's supposed to return so they can get can't take this movie to seriously, it stacks up great to other great movies from the '80's and '90's better off dead, one crazy summer, men at work, the chase, buffy the vampire slayer, i'm gonna get you sucka, mannequin, the first and maybe the second police academy, etc.
u-try Well I'm not living in Arizona... though my IQ exceeds the room temperature.I think it is a matter of Your own preferences if You like this film or if You don't. Sure, this film is not comparable to films like Titanic, Gladiator, Star Wars or something else like that.In my opinion this is a real good piece of entertainment in the way it has been done in the eighties... You can damn it or love it.I would say this film is a road movie, surely the story is somehow strange but nevertheless funny.At least I would say You could take a look at it if You like cars like the Lamborghini Countach and if You can understand what it's able to do with a young man.