It Came From the Sky
It Came From the Sky
| 15 May 1999 (USA)
It Came From the Sky Trailers

Jarvis and Pepper crash land their small plane on the roof of the Bridges family. Pepper finds herself having a positive effect on the households' autistic son Andy.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
indy_go_blue44 I stumbled onto this movie while looking for a cheapy monster flick. At first disappointed, I continued to watch because of the actors. It was obvious that there was a major strain in the household, that it was focused on the boy, but the question running beneath most of the movie is why? Yes there are times you have to stretch your credibility, like with the boy causing the plane to crash into the roof and the two people stepping out of it unharmed. So that makes it fantasy, so what? The interaction between the main characters as their relationship develops, the return of romance into the life of Ritter and Williams characters lives are done very well and I think without being cloying, if you accept the premise that a tragedy and guilt have driven them apart. I thoroughly enjoyed the ending, when the reasons for everything become clear and the families bond of love and trust is reestablished. Exactly what Jarvis and Pepper are doesn't matter to me, whether angelic or simply alien and actually added some spice to the movie. We don't have to be told everything. I also thought the soundtrack by Sam Phillips was super and I've become a big fan of hers. I've tried and tried to find the song that closed out the show, but apparently it's never been released.
Mikee-Mollisch Wow! I can't believe I could ever be bored enough to sit through this picture in it's entirety. Nearly every line of dialogue seemed to drop on the floor, as this picture seemed to be trying to emulate the quirky charm of a small independent film,but it was more like torture. I'm afraid I've stunted my development by making it half way !While there might have been a redeeming ending, had I been able to suffer through it . . . . . I couldn't, with the lame dialogue, hugely awkward silences, and complete lack of flow to it. The supposedly romantic "How (Lloyd) & (Bleeth) Met" story was stupendously bad. I couldn't begin to find Lloyd or Bleeth right for their parts. A talented director might be able to decide whether this was supposed to be funny, or sad, or dramatic . . . but to me it was just AWKWARD drivel.This may be the worst TV movie I've ever seen. . . . what were they thinking ?
millennia-2 At times, 'It Came From the Sky' is little more than standard, movie-of-the-week fare, jam packed with tedious scenes and bad dialogue. But there are moments where it seems to break free of that mold, to expand beyond the territory usually covered in TV movies, which is why I am giving this movie a 7/10.The cast, comprised mainly of fading stars whose better years are far behind them. Yasmine Bleeth, of TV's 'Baywatch' is in a role made for her as a sexy but dim witted girlfriend of a man four times her age, a rich oil tycoon played by Christopher Lloyd. John Ritter fares the worst, making his character completely unlikeable, and the scenes centering around him are easily the film's worst. Kevin Zegers, as the film's protagonist, is possibly the brightest part of a dull film. JoBeth Williams also manages to rise above the weak screenplay and create a genuinely interesting character, and one wonders why she was ever attracted to John Ritter in the first place.I have to get back to Bleeth for a second here. She is so unimaginably entertaining in her role, it's hard to believe that she isn't more of a star. That isn't to say that she's a good actress, as she obviously isn't, but her screen presence is enormous, and she has fun with the character.I've noticed that many of the reviews here seem to be written by teenage girls who have a crush on Zegers. If that's all they could get from his character, or the film in general, then it's too bad. Prior to this, the only film I'd seen him in was the entertaining, if shallow, horror flick 'Shadowbuilder', and I was blown away by his performance here. Along with Haley Joel Osment of The Sixth Sense, he's easily one of the most talented actors of his generation, and I'm surprised he doesn't get more roles other than tepid family films like 'Air Bud' (I haven't actually seen that movie, I'm going on purely critical response here).I'm not going to waste your time talking about either Ritter or Lloyd's characters, as they were horrible and average, respectively, nothing worth noting. However, I was impressed by JoBeth Williams, who's been unfairly reduced to films such as this from hits such as 'The Big Chill' and 'Poltergeist' earlier in her career. Not only is her chemistry with both Bleeth and Zegers superb, but her character is probably the deepest in the film, and has a hard to describe commanding presence.Well, I'm low on time so I'll wrap it up quickly. The production values rarely rise above the norm for TV movies, and most of the film is a bore, though the ending is amazing. If you do rent the movie and are tempted to turn it off part way through, don't... stay around for the absolutely chilling finale.7/10 (I know, I'm being generous, but the film does have a lot of good points)
Matt73 Even though the story is not that impressive, the casts are brilliant! Everyone was acting to the limit, making this movie a showcase of talent.Kevin Zegers is simply great! He never seemed to forget what his character was supposed to behave, with the same gestures all the time. I don't know if it's because of the tight supervision by the director...All in all, it's a different kind of movie, and I'm sure you can still enjoy it, whoever you are.