Island of the Fishmen
Island of the Fishmen
R | 01 June 1981 (USA)
Island of the Fishmen Trailers

After their prison ship sinks in the Caribbean, a group of prisoners and a doctor wash ashore on a seemingly deserted island. They soon discover a strange couple, who invite them to stay at their house. While the prisoners plan an escape, the doctor does some investigating, and soon finds out just what the pair are really doing, and why the prisoners keep disappearing mysteriously.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Witchfinder General 666 I am sure I'm not standing alone when I say that Italian cult-filmmaker Sergio Martino is one of my favorite directors, primarily for the brilliant Gialli he made in the early 70s, including "Lo Stano Vizio Della Signora Wardh" ("The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh", 1971), "La Coda Dello Scorpione" ("The Scorpion's Tail", 1971), "Tutti I Colori Del Buio" ("All the Colors of the Dark", 1972), "I Corpi Presentano Tracce Di Violenzia Carnale" ("Torso", 1973), and my personal favorite, the masterpiece "Il Tuo Vizio È Una Stanza Chiusa E Solo Io Nè Ho La Chiave" ("Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key", 1972). While his Gialli are doubtlessly his most outstanding achievements, Martino has been active in many other fields of Italian Cult cinema, including the Spaghetti Western ("Mannaja" aka. "A Man Called Blade", 1977), the Cannibal genre ("La Montagna Del Dio Cannibale" aka. "The Mountain of the Cannibal God", 1978), or crazy Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Action ("2019: Dopo La Caduta Di New York" aka. "2019: After the Fall of New York", 1983). Or this fantastic little gem. "L'Isola Degli Uomini Pesce" aka. "The Island of the Fishmen" aka. "Screamers" of 1979 is a criminally underrated and outrageously entertaining blend of creature feature and island adventure, a film of which kind could only come from 70s Italy.The story seems like a crazy mix of the literary models of H.P. Lovecraft (hideous mixtures of fish and men), H.G. Wells (the "Island of Lost Souls"/"Island of Dr. Moreau" influence is undeniable) and Jules Verne. Of course, a film of the kind, especially one with a modest budget like this one, is being dismissed as 'cheesy' by the majority of viewers. And it is undeniable that "The Island of the Fishmen" is a little cheesy; however, it simply is the epitome for and insanely entertaining film. To be honest, I expected this film to be a whole lot cheesier than it actually turned out to be. While the film is cheesy enough to have the certain 'camp' charm, the special effects were a lot better than I expected them to be, and while the story is maybe a bit far-fetched, it is exciting from the beginning to the end. After their ship has sunk, Lt. Claude De Ross (Claudio Cassinelli) and a bunch of prisoners strand on a remote island full of lethal traps. The island is ruled by the sinister Mr. Rackham (Richard Johnson), who lives in a majestic mansion with his native servants and the ravishing young Amanda (Barbara Bach). But there is one other species of 'native' islanders: Hideous fish-men of superhuman strength...I do not wish to give the best parts away, but I can assure that "The Island of the Fishmen" unites many aspects that should be adored by my fellow cult-cinema buffs. Remote islands have always been superb Horror- and Adventure-settings. This one includes Voodoo, Mutants, an insane villain, mad science-fiction, ancient sub-aqueous worlds and mysteries, and many other notable elements, the most convincing one being the gorgeous Barbara Bach. The performances are better than one would expect in a movie like this one, the supporting cast even includes the great Josph Cotten in the role of a brilliant (though somewhat naive) scientist. The cinematography and settings are very good, and, as mentioned above, the effects are a lot better than I would have expected. Overall, "The Island of the Fishmen" is fantastic entertainment from start to finish, and I cannot understand why it has a ridiculously low average rating of 3.5/10 on IMDb. My only tiny point of criticism is the fact that the lovely Barbara Bach keeps her clothes on for the entire film. What the hell? "L'Isola Degli Uomnini Pesce" is a film that promises incredible entertainment from start to finish, and should be seen by every cult-cinema fan. My rating: 8.5/10
JasparLamarCrabb aka ISLAND OF THE FISHMEN...It's exactly what the title tells island inhabited by fishmen. Shipwrecked doctor Claudio Cassinelli and crew land on the island, they're either picked off by the fishmen or roped into working for treasure hunting lunatic Richard Johnson. Cassinelli discovers that Johnson, who believes he's found the lost city of Atlantis, has been keeping disgraced scientist Joseph Cotten and his daughter Barbara Bach hostage for 15 years so the fishmen can uncover a treasure trove beneath the sea. Cotten, of course, is a complete madman. Bach and Cassinelli have great chemistry. This insanity was directed by Sergio Martino and is not, surprisingly, without merit. It's fast paced, reasonably well acted and the fishmen look pretty convincing (though it's unlikely anyone could prove that these things DON'T look like actual fishmen). There's an excellent music score by Luciano Michelini.
udar55 Lt. Claude (Claudio Cassinelli) and several prisoners from his sunken ship wash ashore on an island owned by Edmond Rackham (Richard Johnson). Following a few random prisoner deaths, Rackham takes in Claude and his two remaining prisoners. Luckily for everyone, Barbara Bach just happens to be on the island too! Unluckily, there are some crazy fishmen who like to kill people.This Italian produced exploiter seems to have it all - a touch of CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON mixed with DR. MOREAU with a dash of WHITE ZOMBIE voodoo and Atlantis stuff. Despite some wonky looking fishmen costumes, the film does benefit from some beautiful location photography and a nice twist about halfway through. All of the actors are good and Joseph Cotton even pops up as a old biologist. Director Sergio Martino handles himself well enough as there is action ever 10 minutes or so. That can't be said for his belated follow-up THE FISHMEN AND THEIR QUEEN (1995), easily one of the wackiest and most off-base sequels since HIGHLANDER II.
christopher-underwood Colourful if nonsensical tale set upon an uncharted island where Richard Johnson turns in a decent performance as a mad baddie searching for the lost gold of Atlantis and Barbara Bach doesn't do very much at all. The whole thing looks like much of it was made up as they went along with little bits of excitement every now and again to keep it going. There are some decent bits, I particularly like the home made diving bell contraption that lowers them down to peek at Atlantis and I have a soft spot for the fishmen themselves. Clearly copied from the 'Creature From The Black Lagoon', they are nevertheless pretty distinctive with their big fish eyes and facial colouring and especially effective when seen six or so at a time.