Island of Lost Women
Island of Lost Women
NR | 20 March 1959 (USA)
Island of Lost Women Trailers

A plane crash-lands on a jungle island inhabited by a scientist and his nubile young daughters. Complications ensue.

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
atlasmb With a title like "Island of Lost Women", this has to be a B movie. But the cheesy melodrama one would expect from such a title is absent.Two men have to make an emergency landing on an unknown island, where they discover a scientist and his three beautiful daughters. The girls have never seen another man before and they are intrigued by any information about the outside world.The two men want to leave the island, because they have lives to recover. The three girls want the men to spend time with them. The scientist only knows he wants his island to remain an unspoiled secret.The dialogue is very straightforward. This allows the viewer to concentrate on the motivations of the characters, without the usual overacting. Most of the conversations center around ideas, not passion. But the film never takes advantage of that. Instead--like there's a clock ticking down the running time--the plot wraps up in an improbable way.The cast is interesting, if not celebrated. In their combined filmographies, these actors weave in and out of the lives and professions of numerous celebrities. If only this script had given them more to work with. The final result is somewhat pleasant, if short and simple.
dougdoepke A scientist with his three shapely daughters leaves behind threats of nuclear war and escapes to a desert island. But then two hunky fliers crash land and unexpected movie boredom begins.In my hormonally vulnerable mind, I never thought a skin show could be boring, but this one is. Three scantily clad girls and two bare-chested guys stand around and talk for 70 inert minutes. That is, if you ignore the nuclear explosion coming at the end, a cloud whose kill range is about that of a firecracker. The only point of interest is how a homoerotic sub-current is worked into the non-existent storyline. Other reviewers are right, it's unmistakable—catch the brief back rub Joe (Smith) gives Mark (Richards), when you'd expect one of the shapely girls on hand would do. But then this is 1959 and tip-offs have to be done subtly, (see reviewer gg1947 for a more complete list).I guess aristocratic Allen Napier (Batman, the TV series) was added to lend some class, but it's got to be the nadir of his lengthy career. Anyway, the youngsters are all good-looking and okay actors. But unfortunately, that's not enough to lift this super-cheapo from the pits of ennui. Thank goodness, I didn't pay to see it.
gg1947 This movie is one of the B&W semi-horror films of the 50's and early 60's. Granted, the premise is totally absurd.....2 hunka hunka's running around an island with 3 babe-a-licious honeys and not one case of hanky-panky? The guys seemed more interested in each other and themselves -- swimming in those horrid 1950's spandex trunks (is that a potato in your swimwear or are you just happy to see me?), rubbing lotion on each other's backs, reminiscing about close friendships, --- hmmm --- maybe this should have been called "BROKEBACK ISLAND?" I liked the movie although it is totally predictable. I DID keep waiting for Godzilla or some other camera enlarged creature to come around and scare the swimwear off the guys, (looks like the girls would have defended the island against the killer beast while the boys were screaming little pansies scampering off into the forest), but no monster. Heck, enjoy it for what it's worth, a piece of B&W film history.
philly k It's not just the plot or the bad acting. It's not even the cheesy sets. It's the incredibly bad flamenco guitar soundtrack. One simply cannot imagine the overall effect, with the swimsuit-clad actresses cavorting amongst the potted plants, with the off-key, amateurish flamenco guitar. There must be a story there...