Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy
Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy
| 17 January 2013 (USA)
Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy Trailers

In ancient Egypt, Isis and Osiris ruled the land. All were happy for the couple except one, Set, a jealous man who killed Osiris in order to take over his kingdom. Isis snuck into Osiris' tomb and tried to raise him from the dead using her black magic. Set caught Isis in the act and had Osiris cut to pieces, with each piece buried in a different part of the land, so Isis could never again raise her husband. Isis vowed to avenge Osiris' death and return with him to rule over all the worlds. Now, six college students take their last course in archeology in anticipation for graduation. Their last assignment is to uncover and document the museum's new acquisitions with their teacher, Prof. Shields and world-renowned Egyptologist Dr. Nasir. During the night they haphazardly awaken the ancient spirit of Isis' lost soul and her wrath is unleashed on the group.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
JoeB131 This had all the markings of a student film.So they hired an over the hill adult film star, and when she realized that she had to leave her clothes on and actually act, probably was in a bit of a shock.SO a bunch of students are trapped in a museum with a resurrected mummy who takes over bodies when acting is required. Or something. I'm really not sure if the producers knew what they were doing, because you have these long sequences where the would-be victims are going through long discussions about their college relationship angst before the mummy mercifully kills them.The one nice thing I can say is that some of the museum scenes look like they were shot in an actual museum. I'm guessing one in some backwater down that gets almost no visitors, and were happy to rent out some rooms for a day or two for locations shoots.
dragonfly-758-358120 I really enjoyed this movie. For a lower-budget movie, it was very well done. The acting was great and the camera work, lighting and sound were all very good.It kept me on my toes as to who was going to die and who was going to live. The storyline was great and to have a female mummy vs. male was refreshing. I thought there was just enough drama and sex to keep the viewer interested but was thankful that there was not too much swearing and the sex parts left a lot up to the viewers imagination. It was tastefully done and well written.
angiris This is what porn film looks like...only without the porn...The acting is terrible and pointless...The music couldn't be worse...techno...super aggressive techno even.....really!I'm used to seeing this in adult films where all this crap eventually leads to SOMETHING! But this here leads to nothing at all except for ...I don't know... a really really bad history lesson.For the love of god... They even animated the smoke that comes out of their mouths when they smoke...The effects are dreadful and clear evidence of a VERY low budget or simply no innovation. I've seen college kids during drama classes perform better than what I've seen here...Jeezzzz! This is not what you would consider your ordinary film... It's just an epic amateur compilation of lame footage with beautiful women... Your average adult film simply without any action. I don't recommend anyone watching this unless you wanna see Priya Rai performing in a different way... There is simply nothing else to come for.
Patrick Mason (lordplayboyman) This Movie has absolutely ONE THING going for it: Priya Rai.The acting in this movie is terrible: no skill or craft at all. Troma Films have better actors than this drivel. The ONLY exception is Priya Rai.For those of you who might recognize that name, she used to be a adult film star, and recently retired from porn to do more non-adult films - SHE made more of an effort than anyone in the film to act and didn't look too cheesy doing so in the process. Since this is her first non-adult film, I'll go easy on her, and it's the only reason I give this movie a 1-star - that star is for her. Even great actors started from the bottom.Beyond that: there is nothing else going for this film. There is no need to give you any spoiler warnings, because the bad acting, bad "Sound effects", poor lighting, and abysmal "Special Effects" completely make you lose interest in the entire film.Watch the film to see Priya Rai in a very tight "outfit" for a "mummy", and as soon as you do, return the movie back to the video store, and ask for your money back.
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