Into the West
Into the West
| 10 June 2005 (USA)
Into the West Trailers

Steven Spielberg executive produced this TNT miniseries about American Westward expansion during the 19th century. Told from both the perspective of the white Wheeler family and the Native American Lakota tribe, the 12-hour epic follows the clans as they struggle to find their place in a country confounded by turmoil and change.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
jane smith I liked this series at first, and let me be clear, it was well made and well acted all the way through, but it seemed to lose sight of the characters after the first couple episodes. After a while it no longer focused on the characters, but just on history. Not to mention that there were too many new characters being introduced, killed off, and forgotten about all the time. (for instance, whatever happened to Abraham?) I found it hard to pay attention to what was going on after a while. It seemed to morph from historical fiction to just plain history. Nothing wrong with that, but it wasn't how it began, and it didn't interest me as much. It could have been a lot better if they kept the series more character centric, and focused on less people at a time. And after a while I completely lost interest in the characters, as I began to realize that they were only props to convey a history lesson. They no longer went out and did anything, but instead just conveniently observed historical events, without ever fulfilling their own story. By the end I was glad to be done with it, because the series was beginning to drag. One thing I will say for it is that it portrayed the plight of the native Americans very well (so much so that I found it hard to watch at points)
wsroth I read details offered by IMDb on this movie; various summaries; external reviews & several user reviews: Why no one has mentioned or made reference to Michener's "Centennial" surprises me! One of the first ways we expressed our view of this miniseries was a comparison to the book & miniseries. "Of course Spielberg's "Into the West" was done better than "Centennial" though for it's time "Centennial" was done well & I've viewed it many times.Perhaps The Chronicles negative review might have been less critical had the writer refrained from mentioning the "weeks"?? he spent researching this screenplay. Perhaps his research included reading Michener's book.I feel the use of family lineage to report history through the eyes of those living it is a wonderful venue for teaching it. Far more people would recall what they learn if the reviewed it as a story. I learned more about the Trojan Wars through Marian Zimmer-Bradley's "Firebrand" than all the lectures & reading I experienced in high school & college. As did many children about the Roman gods through "The Lightning Thief"I hope to see more of this means of teaching and hope like my college professor in "Women in Antiquity" did with the use of Zimmer-Bradley's "Firebrand" Being one who failed miserably in history due to an inability to recall anything, I wished I could have understood it as my friend did: "... all as a collection of great stories" If our educators incorporated books like those I've mentioned in their instruction, perhaps even weaker students, much like myself, would not only improve grades but, actually retain the information thereafter.Granted Michener is a fantastic story teller & incorporates a wondrous plethora of fact & insight in his books, but, some of his novels aren't the quickest reads I've experienced, but I'm certain numerous authors have attempted to produce similar learning experiences in their books. After all, most avid readers seeking good fiction want "believability" & research is all the key.
NoName1989 I expected a lot of this mini-series, because Steven Spielberg was the executive producer. And you notice that when you watch this series. The direction is very good! This series must have cost a lot of money, because it's excellently filmed. Very interesting is, that the series shows the situation in a different way. Not like in a traditional western, where the Americans are the hero's and the Indians are the stupid barbarians. Nicely done! Again a very good product by Steven Spielberg! But sometimes the English that is spoken, is difficult to understand, certainly when there are no subtitles. But nevertheless, very good mini-series!
Lizzie Parsons If I could give this more than 10, I would, a lot more! It was without a doubt the most exciting, thought-provoking, heartening, historically correct and gripping TV series I have ever had the pleasure of watching. It was lovely to see an unbiased account of what life was like for two sides of the fight, and it was wonderful to really warm to and become fond of the various characters (and trust me, there are plenty). Some would automatically think the second they heard it was produced by Steven Spielberg that it would be all 'airy-fairy' and patriotic, but that sense is not put across at all. The messages are of course heart warming at times and sorrowful at others, but surely that just goes with life?! Furthermore, the visual cinematography and scenes were absolutely phenomenal, and each episode seemed to grip me as intensely as the previous ones had done so. Each second, I felt completely entwined in the action and warming stories being portrayed. It had me crying a lot, but this is the only thing I can find is bad (and its not always a bad thing). It was incredible, and I am going to scream it from the roof tops until it gets the recognition it deserves! I can't help feeling that it was almost wasted on television, but then again we were due a genius new TV series at some point. I loved it! Everyone watch it, buy it, preach it!! It will have you talking about it for years.