| 13 January 2009 (USA)
Interception Trailers

When a prototype weapon is stolen from a government facility a software engineer unknowingly becomes involved when he receives the key disk needed for detonation. With no help from authorities he is forced to team up with a suspended FBI agent to stop the group of criminals from destroying a major US city.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Aaron Wyckoff If you're looking for a big budget Hollywood thriller, this isn't it, but for what it is, Interception is not as bad as some other reviews here would lead you to believe. This is one of those films that could easily have been a much better movie, but there were two major flaws. First, too many of the bit roles were done poorly, no doubt by friends of the producers and very possibly for free. In this case, they got what they paid for. There were a lot of stilted lines and just plain poor acting. On the flip side, the lead actors overall did a decent job - not great, and not always consistent, but not horrible, either. The second, and more significant, flaw of the movie was the script. While the actors often did a creditable job of delivering their lines, the lines themselves were not very good, and there were some gaping plot holes, including to some extent the basic premise of the whole film. Amateur mistakes, such as including unnecessary dialogue and a heavy reliance on profanity (nearly 80 instances of f---/f---ing alone), took what could have been an exciting story line and turned it into a sub-par production.On the other hand, this was far from the worst movie I've ever seen, and had some redeeming qualities. The lead actors showed promise and could have been better with a better script. There were a few twists and several moments of intentional humor that help keep any thriller on track. In the end, not too bad for a low-budget film, but one that could have been much better, even at the same price.
r_william_davis Hey, give these guys a break. OK, it's not Die Hard 4.0, but if you consider that it's the first effort of a small group of independent film makers, who wrote, produced, edited, scored, and everything else, it was a truly outstanding effort.Good plot, and funny acting. Remember how stiff the acting was in the first Star Trek (TOS) movie? "Wrath of Khan" was the next one in the series, and it was maybe the best. I'm looking forward to their next effort. Remember the first time you did something? You got better the next time, right? Keep at it you all. Consider the comments here and grow with the advice.
forcefire Reading about this movie it sounded like a decent little action flick but I wasn't expecting it to be this bad. Poor acting, Poor script and bad directing. I was really disappointed with this, given a decent cast and a decent script and someone who can direct then it would have had the potential to be a good all round film. It could have been one of those films thats really good even without a big budget. The camera angles are terrible and the acting was truly terrible, a really shame. The effects where bad and poorly done, the stunts weren't that bad, at least it looked like some professionals were on the set, hopefully the food was better too. I can't Begin to put into words how bad this is, its long, drawn out intro of the film and then a rushed ending really spoiled it and made it hard to watch as it became boring within the first 20mins. After 30mins I could feel my eyes starting to close, it was putting me to sleep. If you have some time to waste then watch paint dry, its more entertaining than this film.
yojimbosblade Made myself some microwave popcorn in anticipation of watching this movie after seeing the 7.9 score. However, turns out that this is a huge disappointment. A 16 year old media student could do better acting than this.It's so obvious that all the lines are memorized, the acting and speech is not natural at all. There are also no facial expressions. For example a man about to die speaks with the same volume as the other guys. As a result I stopped watching this after 20 minutes, I couldn't bear it anymore.I won't even talk about special effects which are terrible but seeing that it's a low budget I won't comment on that. However, the acting is what ruins this movie and deserves a score of 0!
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